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Renewed or Canceled: What's the Fate of Your Favorite Show?


It's that time of the year again.

The time where television viewers around the nation wonder whether they'll be saying farewell to their favorite dramas or comedies for good come spring...

... or whether they'll be welcoming them back with open, excited arms in a few months.

From now until the network Upfronts in May, we'll be keeping you apprised of the fates of ... well... pretty much every single show on TV, as the following photo gallery will accompany an endless number of renewal and cancelation articles.

The statuses of these shows will be updated on a continual basis, but you can click around above and get an idea of where your most DVR-worthy programs stand.

Have they already received the axe? Have executives already passed along the news you've been dying to hear?

Find out now. Complain or cheer later.

17 TV Characters Who Love To Drink: Bring On the Bourbon!


Some of our favorite TV characters, like Olivia Popeare sophisticated, responsible drinkers. Others? Hahaha. Not so much.

Plus, red wine is basically cardio, so she's just eliminating the need for a swim sesh, right?

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we thought we'd take a look at some of the TV characters who are seldom seen without an adult beverage in their hands.

Take a look at 17 TV characters who love to drink!

From bourbon to beer and every alcoholic beverage in between, the above 17 characters are steady drinkers. Yes, even the animated characters!

What would Homer Simpson be without a can (or 12) of Duff beer? Is Archer EVER sober? 

Damon Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman have done so much drinking together on The Vampire Diaries that their bourbon swilling became a running gag. So what if it was noon on a Tuesday? You'd find them at the Grill knocking back tumblers of their favorite honey colored nectar. 

Damon drank to temper his, well, temper. Alaric had a lot of sorrows to drown. Dude was seriously the most unlucky character ever.

And let's not forget our wine lovers!

The girls of Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce make every occasion a drinking occasion, much like the ladies of Sex and the City did once upon a time. Their love of a good glass of grape juice is part of their charm.

How thorough was our list? Who's missing? Sound off in the comments below to let us know!

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 13: Full Episode Live!


And, with that, the final drop of wine has been drank.

The impressive run of this TBS sitcom (formerly of ABC, of course) came to a conclusion with Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 13, as Jules and company bid farewell to fans forever.

But not before Grayson’s efforts to prevent Jules from running her own birthday were interrupted by major changes for all of Gulfhaven’s notorious wine guzzlers, of course.

In what regard? How did the show, which has been through more than most shows out there, say its goodbye?

Find out when you watch Cougar Town online via the above video.

Sexy Saturday: 21 TV Characters Cooling Off in Swimsuits


May Sweeps is over, pools are opening, grills are firing up, and beach trips are being planned. It's Sexy Saturday here at TV Fanatic and we're set for summer with these sexy TV characters who are sporting their swimwear.

As the temperatures continue to rise, what better way to cool off than slipping on your favorite swimsuit and hitting the water? That's what these TV characters chose to do! Some are hitting the waves with their surfboards, some prefer the pool to the ocean, and others prefer to stay dry and are satisfied just soaking up the sun.

Regardless of your preference, check out our slideshow of sexy men and women donning swimwear and then head outside to enjoy the surf, sun, and sand for yourselves!

1. Olivia Pope - Scandal

It's hard to blame Olivia for leaving it all behind to hide out on an island with Jake. Who wouldn't want to trade in their home and job for the sun and sand, especially when there are regular deliveries of wine?

2. Kate Beckett - Castle

When Castle and Beckett head to Los Angeles for a case, Kate uses her power of seduction and a sexy one-piece to get her man, not to mention her partner's attention.

3. Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams - Hawaii Five-O

Hawaii 5 0
The men (and woman) of Hawaii Five-0 are always attractive, but watching Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams surfing on the Hawaii shore will make you long for summer, sun, and some sexy, sexy gentlemen!

4. The Cast of Baywatch

The cast of baywatch
While lifeguarding has always been a hot profession, the slow motion shots and sexy, impractical swimsuits launched a million fantasies and turned stars Pamela Anderson and Yasmine Bleeth into bonafide sex symbols.

5. Nikita Mears - Nikita

Nikita mears
Nikita knows how to use her sexiness to her advantage when it comes to taking down her enemy. That bathing suit certainly doesn't seem to have any effect on her kick ass fighting skills!

6. Derek Morgan and Elle Greenaway - Criminal Minds

Derek morgan and elle greenaway
The members of the Behavior Analysis Unit don't get much time for R&R, but when those rare times occur, they relax in style! Unfortunately for Derek and Elle, this vacation was cut short by a case, but at least they managed to squeeze some sun in first!
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23 Shows That Have Come Back From the Dead


All TV shows, no matter how successful, are eventually canceled. Sooner or later, whether they've been on the air one season or ten, the network drops the ax and the series is over. But there are a rare few that have been reborn to find an audience once again. 

Whether it is due to a rabid fan base, a production studio willing to renegotiate or a miracle granted by the TV gods, there are a unique group of shows that have managed to defy the odds and be brought back from the dead.

We're talking Veronica Mars (available now on Amazon Prime!). We're talking Firefly (also available now on Amazon Prime!).

And we're talking overall about 23 TV shows that were amazingly brought back to life.  

1. Veronica Mars

Veronica mars movie poster
Veronica Mars ran for three seasons from 2004 to 2007 before it bit the dust. Then, several years later, something miraculous occurred. A Kickstarter campaign surfaced and fans helped raise the $2 million to make a Veronica Mars movie a reality. The movie was released in March of 2014 and has left fans hopeful for a sequel.

2. Heroes Reborn

Heroes reborn
The unique sci-fi series about ordinary people who realize that they have superhuman abilities originally aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006 to 2010. Later, the online version, Heroes Evolutions, was created to explore the Heroes universe and provide further insight into the show's mythology. Proving that the series has its own superpower, it will be back on NBC with a 13-episode miniseries as Heroes Reborn in Fall of 2015.

3. Entourage

The entourage
Entourage aired on HBO from 2004 to 2011, but cancellation couldn’t keep the boys from Queens down for long. After eight seasons on TV, they took their story from the fictional big screen to the real one as Entourage the movie was released in theaters in June of 2015.

4. Firefly

The cast of firefly
Firefly didn't even get to finish out its one full season on FOX back in 2002 but despite its early cancellation, the fans love for the crew of the Serenity never died. In fact, it got stronger. So much so that a feature film, Serenity, was released in theaters in 2005. Hope of a sequel has always had fans of Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and the rest of the memorable cast feeling shiny.

5. Arrested Development

Arrested development cast pic
Arrested Development originally aired on FOX from 2003 to 2006. The unique comedy garnered critical acclaim, six Emmys and one Golden Globe as well as quite the cult following. It was so popular that even after it was cancelled, Netflix brought it back to life and released a fourth season in 2013.

6. Longmire

Longmire poster
Sheriff Walt Longmire kept law and order over at A&E for three seasons but when the network pulled the plug after a cliffhanger finale, fans were outraged. Thankfully, Netflix stepped in and signed up to produce a fourth season which should be available later this year.
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19 Ghoulishly Great Halloween Parties


It's not just about ghouls and goblins, although some of these parties have actual demons on the guest list. Whether it's fearful or funny, Halloween may be the one holiday that every TV show eventually celebrates. 

From the nerdiest costumes to a couple's very first kiss, heartbreaking declarations to the return of lost love and playing epic pranks to the joy of finding full size candy bars in your trick-or-treat bag, these Halloween parties go from hilarious to heart warming. 

Don't be scared. The bunnies aren't really evil, at least we don't think so. Check out the 19 most memorable Halloween parties on TV. 

1. Castle - "Vampire Weekend"

Castles halloween bash
An investigation into a vampire fetish community eventually wrapped up with Rick Castle throwing an epic Halloween bash for all of his friends. Castle actually wore two costumes in Castle Season 2 Episode 6, “Vampire Weekend” The first was from Nathan Fillion’s cult favorite Firefly character Capt. Mal Reynolds but for the actual party he dressed as one of his favorite authors, Edgar Allen Poe. Our favorites were Lanie as Cat Woman and Martha as Cruella de Vil.

2. How I Met Your Mother - "The Slutty Pumpkin"

How i met your mother the slutty pumpkin
Marshall was Jack Sparrow and Lily the green parrot. Robin's boyfriend broke up with her when he showed up as Hansel but she skipped the Gretel costume. But it was Ted (as a Hanging Chad) waiting to find his Slutty Pumpkin, the girl whose number he lost when Lily threw away his Kit Kat that stole the show. Ten years later Ted finally found the girl (Katie Holmes) but realized that after ten years of searching, the chemistry was gone.

3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - "Halloween II"

The bet brooklyn nine nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of those shows that knows how to do Halloween right, using the holiday to provide the perfect backdrop for a hilarious and tense competition between two intelligent cops. Jake and Captain Holt spend each Halloween trying to get the best of each other. In Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 1 Episode 6, Jake proved his cunning and his worth, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2 Episode 4 had Captain Holt completely dominate the competition. We hope this goes on for a long time!

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Fear, Itself"

Buffy the vampire slayer season season 4 episode 4 fear itself
Buffy and her friends dress up for a Halloween party at a frat house inhabitated by a demon that feeds on their individual fears. Who wouldn’t have fun with that? Buffy goes as Little Red Riding Hood, Giles is wearing a sombrero, Willow is Joan of Arc and Xander goes as James Bond but our favorite is Anya in a bunny costume because what could be more terrifying than bunnies?

5. Cougar Town - “You Don’t Know How it Feels”

Cougar town you dont know how it feels
Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 6 had a lot of heart to go along with the laughs. Since her mother’s death, Jules was desperate to find a way to bond with her Dad but he seemed to be interested in anything but that at her Halloween party. On the strangely funny side we had Ellie and Laurie dressing as each other or Travis dressing as Andy. Now that’s something we’d only see on Cougar Town.

6. Bones - "Mummy in the Maze"

Bones mummy in the maze
A mandatory Halloween party at the Jeffersonian meant mummified bodies, a hay maze, an amusement park funhouse and a shootout with a clown. What more could you want from Bones Season 3 Episode 5? How about the the most memorable moment of the entire episode? Temperance Brennan decked out in her Wonder Woman outfit!
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15 Most Memorable Marriage Proposals in TV History


Love is in the air and Cupid's arrows have us remembering the special times when feelings were laid bare, lovers got down on one knee and rings were offered to seal the deal. 

Yes, we're talking about proposals. Sometimes the question is popped over the perfect romantic dinner but the moments that stick with us can be the ones that don't go according to plan. 

Some couples take the long road to find their happy ending. When fights are forgiven, misunderstandings are explained and doubts turn into lifetime commitments, those are the magical scenes that have fans holding their breath in anticipation or crying tears of joy. 

Check out the 15 most memorable and romantic marriage proposals on TV. 


1. Monica and Chandler - Friends

Chandler proposes friends
Just when Chandler thought he'd lost Monica forever, “The One With the Proposal, Part 2” had Monica surprising him by getting down on one knee and then starting to cry, "There's a reason why girls don't do this!” Chandler got down on his knees too and told his best friend, “You make me happier than I'd ever thought I would be. And if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.” It's one of the best proposals on any TV show…ever!

2. Rick Castle and Kate Beckett - Castle

Will you marry me season 5
Just as Kate Beckett thought Rick Castle was going to break up with her, he got down on one knee, pulled out a gorgeous ring and with the most serious expression asked, “Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?” When Kate worried her new job would get in the way, Castle assured her that, “I'm not proposing to you to keep you here or because I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you.” Yes, fans never got the fairy tale wedding they deserved and Castle Season 8's separation (both real and fake) has been a train wreck, but the Caskett proposal had all the feels we now miss.

3. Barney and Robin - How I Met Your Mother

Barney proposes
Barney played everyone when he told his friends he was proposing to someone else. So Robin was completely blindsided when he pulled out all the stops with a rooftop locale covered in rose petals to ask her to marry him. He even named the last play in his playbook “The Robin” as he hoped she'd be the last play he'd ever run. Things didn't work out that way but that didn't mean the proposal wasn't legend-ary.

4. Matthew and Mary - Downton Abbey

Matthew and mary downton abbey
As Mary said herself, they were two people who “carry more luggage than the porters at King's Cross” but love prevailed. Since both were involved with other people, Mary wanted to be sure, “You must say it properly. I won't answer unless you kneel down and everything.” So Matthew did just that, in a beautiful holiday setting with the snow slowing wafting down around them. It was a picture perfect, romantic proposal that we won't soon forget.

5. Ben and Leslie - Parks and Recreation

Ben and leslie parks and recreation
Ben's proposal to Leslie was a perfect representation of their romance. Ben planned a surprise trip home to see Leslie on Halloween, dropped to one knee, and began. Leslie, always needing to micromanage everything, interrupted him insisting she needed a few minutes to remember every detail of the moment. When Leslie was satisfied, Ben happily continued a lovely speech about considering what he wanted for his future and declared that Leslie was it. Before he could even finish saying, "Will you marry me?" Leslie accepted.

6. Derek and Meredith - Grey's Anatormy

Derek and meredith greys anatormy
When Derek decided to ask Meredith to marry him…he didn't actually ask. He decorated an elevator at Seattle Grace Hospital with medical scans and reminders from all their important moments. “You say you're all dark and twisty, but it's not a flaw. It's a strength. It makes you who you are. I'm not going to get down on one knee. I'm not going to ask a question. I love you, Meredith Grey, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Unfortunately more darkness followed as Derek was later killed, but the memory of the elevator proposal will always make us smile.
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19 Actors Known for More Than One Iconic TV Role


While some actors can never get past one major TV role, others have been able to reinvent themselves in some pretty amazing ways. 

One actor went from playing a surgeon to a ship captain, while another transformed from a vampire to an FBI agent. Another went from a light-hearted comedic role to a feared anti-hero.

We're talking iconic roles here, so even though several actors are leading some amazing new shows this season, we're leaving those out for now.

Take a look below to see what actors are known for more than one iconic TV role!

1. Eric Dane

Eric dane
Listen, we loved Eric Dane as Mark Sloan (aka McSteamy) on Grey's Anatomy, and we're stil not over his death. But now he's known for a role that we might just love a little more: Tom Chandler on TNT's The Last Ship.

2. Matt Czuchry

Matt czuchry
Before Matt Czuchry was known for his role as Cary Agos on The Good Wife, he played an important part of Rory's life as Logan Huntzburger on Gilmore Girls.

3. Claire Danes

Claire danes
Remember when Claire Danes played Angela Chase on My So Called Life? Things have certainly changed. Now, we know her best as CIA Operative Carrie Mathison on Homeland.

4. Bryan Cranston

Bryan cranston
This is one heck of a transformation. Before Bryan Cranston was the iconic Walter White on Breaking Bad, he filled a significantly lighter role as Hal on Malcom in the Middle.

5. Courteney Cox

Courteney cox
Courteney Cox also played two pretty fantastic TV roles. First, she was Monica Geller on Friends, and then she was Jules Cobb on Cougar Town.

6. Johnny Galecki

Johnny galecki
We know Johnny Galecki best these days as the very nerdy Leonard Hoftstaedter on The Big Bang Theory. But when he was younger, he was unforgettable as David Healy on Roseanne.
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15 TV Reunions That Made Our Hearts Sing


Isn't it always so much fun when an old costar pops up on an actor's new TV show?

In honor of Bradley Whitford's guest appearance on Mom Season 4 Episode 9, we thought we would compile a list of some of our favorite TV reunions. 

We're not talking about spinoffs or remakes, but just those awesome times when an old friend stopped by for a visit, creating a fun sense of nostalgia. 

Check out our list and be sure to let us know your favorites! 


1. A Parenthood Reunion on Gilmore Girls

A parenthood reunion on gilmore girls
After Parenthood ended, Lauren Graham couldn't help but bring her castmates with her to the revival of her first successful show, Gilmore Girls. Her TV daughters interacted when Lorelai and Rory ran into Mae Whitman's character on the streets of New York. In another episode, her old Parenthood flame, Jason Ritter, and TV brother/real life flame, Peter Krause, made appearances as no-nonsense park rangers Lorelai encountered as she tried to find herself by hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

2. David Schwimmer Stops By Episodes

David schwimmer stops by episodes
This actually wasn't the first Friends reunion on Episodes as James Michael Tyler (Gunther) made an appearance too, but this one was definitely more memorable. The two Friends bumped into each other at a foreign dictator's party and hilariously discussed just how far the former stars were willing to go to make money. It turned out Matt sold himself short though as David was paid double!

3. Browncoats Reunite on Castle

Firefly on castle
Nathan Fillion had several of his old Firefly buddies drop by the set of Castle. Adam Baldwin, Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, and Summer Glau all reunited with their former browncoat wearing space captain. Baldwin actually guest-starred twice as detective Ethan Slaughter. No one could ever replace Beckett as Castle's partner, but if someone had to fill in for a couple of episodes, Baldwin was a great choice.

4. Seth Green Visits How I Met Your Mother

Seth green visits how i met your mother
Who wasn't excited about the prospect of Willow and Oz together again on How I Met Your Mother? Seth Green was hilarious as an old friend of Lily and Marshall's that falsely believed the three of them were still best friends. Daryl was pretty creepy, but we still loved every minute of this Buffy reunion.

5. Friends Again on Cougar Town

Friends again on cougar town
It was fun when Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston appeared on Cougar Town, but the best reunion was when Matthew Perry visited, reuniting one of TV's all time best couples. We even sort of got to see them as a couple again, as Jules was pretending to be interested in him to get out of paying for the damage she did to his car. The flash mob proposal was awesome, but the best part? Definitely Matthew Perry calling her "Monica" instead of Jules in one scene.

6. Roseanne Comes to The Big Bang Theory

Roseanne comes to the big bang theory
Sara Gilbert's stint on The Big Bang Theory reunited Darlene with David, especially considering Leslie and Leonard dated for awhile. Leslie was such a funny character, making her rounds of the group (moving on to Howard after Leonard) and terrorizing Sheldon every chance she got. She even returned for the series' 200th episode. Of course, Laurie Metcalf also recurs as Sheldon's mother, and the series staged another big reunion when they cast Katey Sagal to play Penny's mom.
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17 Women Who Get Stronger With Wine


The popularity of drinking wine has grown significantly over the last few years. To the point where women who love wine are all over TV now.

They're drinking because their husband is a secret drug dealer or their lover is married or they see death on a daily basis. You know, normal stuff. Vino helps them cope.

Of course, there are those that just drink wine for fun or because they enjoy the taste or even just because they can.

While they drink it for different reasons, under very different circumstances, these females have one thing in common – they are all strong.

Call me crazy, but I think the wine has something to do with that.

1. Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones

Cersei lannister game of thrones
In between carrying on taboo affairs and plotting deaths of various family members, Cersei makes sure to always have a handmaiden on hand to refill her glass.

2. Jules Cobb - Cougar Town

Jules cobb cougar town
If you love to "pound grape" and make fun of your neighbors, you may be Jules' long lost BFF. Just don't forget to bring your own oversized wine glass affectionally named Big (insert any name here).

3. Claire Underwood - House of Cards

Claire underwood house of cards
Being first lady is stressful. Almost as stressful as being married to Francis. While Claire handles it better than most, she still turns to wine for relief at the end of a long hard day.

4. Claire Dunphy - Modern Family

Claire dunphy modern family
Claire does it all -- she's a fun mom, a loyal wife, and CEO of a lucrative business. Does wine help her balance those resposibilites? I'm sure it does as she is regularly seen throwing back a few glasses.

5. Alicia Florrick - The Good Wife

Alicia florrick the good wife
As the wife of a politician, Alicia got used to staying home and having her daily glass of wine. After her husband's scandal, she was forced to go back to work but she didn't give up her wine. If anything, she needed it more.

6. Alison Hendrix - Orphan Black

Alison hendrix orphan black
Alison appears to be a normal, type-A, suburban mom but she's really a clone who drinks like a fish and can make dead bodies disappear better than Dexter.
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19 of the Most Unique Marriage Proposals on Television


Proposals don't have to be classic to be epic. The question isn't always asked over a perfectly organized dinner or during a moonlit stroll on the beach.

They can happen in all kinds of ways, and while some proposals may be really outside the box and others may not go as planned, they can be just as (if not more) beautiful. 

We've composed a slideshow below of 19 of the most unique marriage proposals on TV! 

1. Meredith and Derek - Grey's Anatomy

Meredith and derek greys anatomy
Being a total romantic, Derek decorated the hospital elevator with different reminders of his journey with Meredith at Seattle Grace. Instead of properly asking the question, Derek just told Meredith that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

2. Jules and Grayson - Cougar Town

Jules and grayson cougar town
To start off their life full of surprises, Grayson gets Jules to teepee a house and ends up proposing when he comes to arrest her. While it may sound like an odd prank and proposal, he managed to give Jules everything she wanted.

3. Barry and Iris - The Flash

Barry and iris the flash
During his second attempt at a proposal, Barry sang "Running Home To You" to Iris. It was extremely sweet and romantic, and let's be honest. If Iris hadn't said yes, we would have transported to the DC universe and accepted his proposal ourselves.

4. Barney and Robin - How I Met Your Mother

Barney and robin how i met your mother
Out of all the proposals on this list, Barney's proposal to Robin was by far the most thought out and unique. In an elaborate plan that took course over a series of episodes, Barney pretended that he was dating and proposing to her co-worker Patrice. Robin went to stop the proposal only to find out it was her Barney was proposing too.

5. Nomi and Amanita - Sense8

Nomi and amanita sense8
When Amanita pulled out a ring and asked Nomi to marry her she was overwhelmed for more than one reason. After taking a minute to compose herself, Nomi pulled out a ring as well! They both ended up getting a proposal and it couldn't have been any more perfect.

6. Cory and Topanga - Boy Meets World

Cory and topanga boy meets world
Topanga ends up proposing to a pretty shocked Cory during their graduation. Later, Cory wants to do the proposing as well, but his mom butts in and half-way does it for him before he takes the ring and proposes himself.
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21 Brilliant TV Minds Who Could be the Next Supreme Court Justice


Who can be a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States? According to the Constitution -- it can pretty much be anyone as there are no age or citizenship requirements to pass. 

Of course, in reality, the nominees the Senate tends to confirm are individuals with a legal background and graduated from the top schools. Connections and politics obviously play huge roles in the selection process.

Related: Get PBS Masterpiece via Prime Video Channels for World-Class British Dramas & Award-Winning Series 

Still, it is fun to ruminate on what qualities we want in a Justice. After all, we don't want really want them to be judges, we want them to be heroes, individuals who use their brilliant capabilities to defend the rights of the people.

Each of the following characters is amazing in their respective fields. Some have legal backgrounds. Others have common sense. All of them would bring something unique and vital to the Court for the benefit of all. 

1. Marshall - How I Met Your Mother

Marshall how i met your mother
Most lawyers get disillusioned with the law and quit -- not Marshall. Seeing a pharmaceutical company get a slap on the wrist only made him more determined to use his legal prowess for good and started him on the path to becoming a judge. His intelligence, optimism and good humor make him a perfect match for the judiciary branch. Forget Judge Fudge or Fudge Supreme, Chief Justice Fudge of the Supreme Court would be just desserts -- Marshall approves this pun -- for everyone.

2. Charley Bordelon - Queen Sugar

Charley bordelon
Charley Bordelon thought she had the perfect life until it imploded. Now she fights for her home and for her community. Her investigative and negotiation skills stopped the construction of a for-profit prison and saved countless farms. Imagine what she could accomplish on the national level.

3. Michael Flaherty - Spin City

Michael flaherty spin city
Sadly, a Supreme Court Justice is just as much of a politician as any member of Congress. Fortunately, there's Michael Flaherty, who definitely knows the score when it comes politics. Even better, he's the rare individual who loves the game, is great at the game, and actually plays the game in order to help people.

4. Cmdr. Kelly Grayson - The Orville

Cmdr kelly grayson the orville
Supreme Court Justices are constantly balancing competing interests. Cmdr. Kelly Grayson is no stranger to the balancing act. She knows when to be tough and when to be compassionate. She honors the rights of the individual but also knows when to the put others before herself.

5. Jerry Seinfeld - Seinfeld

Jerry seinfeld seinfeld
Most court cases aren't about defending your liberties or grandstanding for your principles. Instead, most court cases, even or perhaps especially at the Supreme Court level, are about the minor quibbles: was the filing deadline met, were the right boxes on the form checked, is this case even in the correct courtroom. It all comes down to minutiae, and there is no one better at analyzing and questioning of the minutiae of all things than Jerry Seinfeld.

6. Ellie Torres - Cougar Town

Ellie torres cougar town
The U.S. legal system is built upon precedent, but just because something is precedent doesn't make it immune to being nonsensical, outdated or wrong. Supreme Court Justices need the conviction to overrule past decisions. For this, there is no one more qualified than Ellie "Change Approved" Torres. Thanks to her rational decisionmaking the term "cakewalk" now rightly means something really difficult to do and "sleeping like a baby" means you get no sleep at all.
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21 Underrated TV Couples That Deserve More Love


Not every TV couple is given a fair shake. 

Some are overshadowed by other romances going on during the exact same time as theirs. Others are scrutinized because of the way they got together, or because they as a pairing are in the way of another couple ending up together. 

Then there are couples who weren't underappreciated by the fans, but by the show itself. 

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These couples don't deserve to be overlooked and mistreated. They are just as adorable and lovely as their mainstream counterparts.  

Now is their time to get the proper recognition they deserve! 

Take it in underrated TV couples, this is your moment to embrace the love and fanfare that you've been missing. Also, make sure to share your picks for the most underrated TV couples below. 

1. Klaus and Cami (The Originals)

Klaus and cami the originals
Poor Cami received so much unnecessary hate as soon as she was introduced in The Originals. Klaroline fans wanted Klaus to end up with Caroline so much that they weren't even willing to give Cami and Klaus a chance. When Cami and Klaus started to pursue a romantic relationship, Klaroline fans lost their minds. They were so upset about this coupling that they cyberbullied Leah Pipes. The worst thing was the show actually gave in to the fans crazy demands and killed off Cami. If Klaroline fans could've gotten over themselves for just a few minutes, they would've seen that Cami and Klaus were actually great for together. She brought out his sweet and soft side while he helped her find her courage. If fans gave them a chance, their ending could've been much happier.

2. Phoebe and Mike (Friends)

Phoebe and mike friends
Between the folklore that is Ross and Rachel and Monica and Chandler, it was hard for Phoebe and Mike to compete. Despite being overshadowed by those more famous couples, Phoebe and Mike may be one of the most funloving couples in TV history. Mike embraced all of Phoebe's weird qualities and celebrated her unconventional upbringing. He was even willing to choose her over his own family after just a few months of dating. Seeing Phoebe, someone who earned a happy ending, finally get hers, was the best present fans could ask for. Ross and Rachel's relationship may have been the focal romance for Friends in the beginning, but Phoebe and Mike managed to be a much more endearing couple by the time the series ended.

3. Alex and Jessica (13 Reasons Why)

Alex and jessica 13 reasons why
Are Alex and Jessica the perfect couple? Absolutely not, but that doesn't mean they aren't good for each other. Sure, Alex screwed up after their first break up by putting her name on the infamous list, but he's apologized, she accepted and they moved on. Fans should too. There teenagers and teenagers make a lot of mistakes. Alex's one mistake shouldn't officially deem him not good enough for Jess. Besides, Hannah and Clay obviously can't happen, and 13 Reasons Why needs a couple like Alex and Jess who have remarkable chemistry to help lighten the mood in this dark drama every once in a while.

4. Crosby and Jasmine (Parenthood)

Crosby and jasmine parenthood
Parenthood as a whole was underrated. The fact that the show was never nominated for an Emmy or Golden Globe is baffling. One of the couples that made the show so good was Crosby and Jasmine. The story of how their son who was conceived after a one night stand, but somehow brought the two of them together five years later was such a fun and compelling story. Crosby, Jasmine, and Jabar were the heart of the show. However, the family was featured less and less in the latter half of the series. Because their relationship was wrapped up in a nice little bow, they weren't getting as much screen time as the other couples on the show. This led to a lot of fans forgetting about them by the time Parenthood wrapped. Crosby and Jasmine deserved better. There love story is one for the ages.

5. Shawn and Angela (Boy Meets World)

Shawn and angela boy meets world
It's almost impossible to not be overshadowed by the legend that is Cory and Topanga. First loves who met when they were kids and are still together today ... how can anyone compete with that? Shawn and Angela may not be on the same level, but they shouldn't be disregarded. The two had undeniable chemistry, and Angela brought out a new side of BMW's residential playboy Shawn Hunter. She helped the troubled teen learn to love and trust like he never had before. Sure, they had their troubles, and unlike Cory and Topanga, weren't able to last after college, but they were each other's first loves and should be celebrated.

6. Ravi and Peyton (iZombie)

Ravi and peyton izombie
Liv and Major may be the on again/off again relationship iZombie revolves around, but Ravi and Peyton have always been the backbone of the show. The two of them are a prime example of what real love looks like. However, a number of iZombie fans want Peyton to be with Blaine. The only problem with that coupling is the good girl and bad boy dynamic has been done to death! Besides, Blaine doesn't deserve Peyton. Ravi treats Peyton like a queen and gives her the support she needs whenever she needs it. Blaine and Peyton may have physical chemistry, but Ravi and Peyton are the couple that everyone should be rooting for.
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20 Exes Who Are Way Too Friendly


Break-ups are equally as messy in real life as they are on TV shows. 

It's rare to see exes who remain friends after choosing to put an end to the romantic nature of their relationship.

However, there are a handful of former couples that have gotten away with it. 

We'd like to think that one day, we too can be just as friendly with some of our exes as Liza and Josh on Younger or Elena and Stefan on The Vampire Diaries. 

Peep our list of couples that prove you don't have to hate your ex, then, make sure to comment with any additions! 

1. Josh and Liza - Younger

Josh and liza younger
Josh and Liza may be the friendliest exes to ever walk the planet. Whenever he needs her, she's there to be to offer a shoulder to cry on, impart some "been there, done that" wisdom, or set him up with the cute Irish lad at the bar. They've grasped that they are moving on from something really intimate and accept the hurt simply to be in each other's lives. Granted, Josh is still into Liza and thus, holding out hope for a reconciliation, but none of that is an issue for her. And she's super understanding about his living arrangements with her besties Kelsey and Lauren and his bond with her soul-sister, Maggie.

2. Peyton and Nathan - One Tree Hill

Peyton and nathan one tree hill
Peyton and Nathan dated briefly and though there were good times, the majority of their relationship could be described as toxic. They were always better off as friends which is why they held no resentment for each other. In fact, Peyton became best friends with Nathan's wife Hailey and married his step-brother, Lucas!

3. Serena and Dan - Gossip Girl

Serena and dan gossip girl
Serena and Dan may have gotten their happily ever after but it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows between them. This is the Upper-East side, after all, so everything was an obstacle from the realization that they were from two different worlds to the romantic history linking their parents. But somehow, they always found a way to be supportive of each other.

4. Caroline and Matt - The Vampire Diaries

Caroline and matt the vampire diaries
Caroline and Matt may not have worked out because dating a vampire when you are solely anti-vampires is a recipe for disaster, but in a small town like Mystic Falls, everyone keeps on keeping on. The two were able to form a close friendship eventually and remained friends long after the series ended. Going into the spin-off Legacies, they are one of the few "original" characters still living and hopefully, re-living old times.

5. Alex and Ryan - Quantico

Alex and ryan quantico
When your ex is also your partner in the FBI, you're naturally forced to remain cordial. Alex and Ryan always cared for each other even after he married her best friend, Shelby. Honestly, Alex's tolerance meant that Ryan was never supposed to be her soulmate.

6. Dan and Chloe - Lucifer

Dan and chloe lucifer
The saying "opposites attract" exists because it's entirely possible for two people not to work out because they are too similar. Dan and Chloe were both too attached to their jobs, often putting all the TLC into their cases and not their relationship. They've come to understand that there is still room to be friends and even give each other relationship advice on occasion.
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19 Surprising TV Actors Who Also Direct


Lots of actors are satisfied with perfecting their craft in front of the camera. They shine in the spotlight. But sometimes they're inspired to play a different role in TV, and that's the role of director. These actors have ideas and a vision of what they would like to see in a show.

Most times they're directing the show they act in.

Related: Get Comic Con HQ via Prime Video Channels to Stream Original Series, Past Comic-Con Panels & More!

These actors know the show so well that they want to expand their creative wings and make their visions come to life from behind the screen. Typically acting as they direct, these talents move flawlessly between roles, often enhancing their acting ability.

Experiencing a TV show from a different perspective is a challenge. One that a lot of actors aspire to achieve. Have any of your favorite actors also directed the very shows you enjoy? Chances are they might have. Read on to find out if your favorites have made the leap.

1. Matthew Gray Gubler - Criminal Minds

Matthew grey gubler criminal minds
It should come as no surprise that the talent who plays Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds has 11 directing credits from the show. Gubler has also directed several short films and is a writer, producer, and artist. That's a whole lot of talent wrapped up in our favorite brainiac.

2. Chandra Wilson - Grey's Anatomy

Chandra wilson greys anatomy
Chandra Wilson plays the five-foot-nothing no-nonsense heart of gold surgeon Dr. Miranda Bailey on Grey's Anatomy. While playing the role, she's also directed a whopping 19 episodes for the series. Although Grey's is the only show she both acts and directs in, she's also directed episodes for The Fosters and Scandal.

3. Mariska Hargitay - Law & Order: SVU

Mariska hargitay law and order svu
Mariska has played the role of Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU since day one, but in recent years she's also stepped behind the camera. Since 2014, she's directed six episodes for the series and will probably continue in both roles until the end of the long-running series.

4. Hugh Laurie - House

Hugh laurie house
We know Hugh Laurie as House on the medical drama of the same name. Did you know he also directed a couple of episodes? We have to wonder if acting with an American accent while directing without tripped up the actor on set. It's funny to imagine House with a British accent.

5. Jennifer Garner - Alias

Jennifer garner alias
Jennifer Garner played Sydney Bristow, a kickass international spy for the five season series. A year before the end of the series, Garner tried her hand at directing. She directed one episode for the series and hadn't tried it again since, but that doesn't mean she won't.

6. Courteney Cox - Cougar Town

Courteney cox cougar town
Courteney Cox is probably most widely recognized as the anal retentive Monica Gellar on Friends. She has a boatload of other acting credits to her name and some directing ones too. When Cox was playing her role on Cougar Town, she also directed twelve episodes for the series.
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17 TV Characters Who Would Have Made A Killing During Prohibition


Prohibition is one of the coolest periods of history. The music was jumping. The fashion was hot. And every drink someone downed was another instance of sticking it to the G-Man.  

For all of those reasons and more, TV loves depicting Prohibition in one form or another.  Some shows are lucky enough to be set that era or can use time travel to transport its characters back to the 20s.    

Related: Explore Hundreds of Hours of Curated Historical Videos with History Vault via Prime Video Channels!           

Other shows have to get more creative about how they can justify alcohol bans and characters talking like wiseguys while wearing feathers, fringe, or pinstripes.  When it's pulled off, it makes for a great episode of television.  

To make it during Prohibition though takes more than good looks and speaking the password. Who can run a smuggling enterprise, brew and distill intoxicating substances, operate a speakeasy, and possess the grit to take out the competition before they take you down first? Read on to find out.    



1. Meredith Grey - Grey's Anatomy

Meredith grey greys anatomy
Meredith loves tequila, dance parties and has no qualms about helping friends who run into trouble with the law. She would fight as hard to keep a speakeasy alive as she would for any patient.

2. Lucifer & Maze - Lucifer

Maze lucifer
What happens when The Devil and his trusted bodyguard leave Hell? They open the hottest bar in Los Angeles, and kind of got bored with it pretty quickly. Good thing they waited for the 21st century because running a bar during Prohibition would have been far too easy for them.

3. Homer & Bart Simpson - The Simpsons

Homer and bart simpson
Homer has the determination. Bart has the deviousness. Together they keep Springfield liquored up while Rex Banner is left wondering how the Beer Baron got the better of him.

4. Teresa Mendoza - Queen of the South

Teresa mendoza queen of the south
Running a smuggling operation takes brains, cunning, daring and you have to be ready to deal with betrayal at the drop of a hat. Teresa Mendoza has all of these traits, which is how she was able to go from being a money changer who barely earned enough to scrape by to the head of a drug empire. All hail the Queenpin!

5. Hawkeye Pierce - M*A*S*H

Hawkeye pierce m star a star s star h
Keeping a distillery in your tent is definitely against army regulations, but Hawkeye Pierce is never afraid to thumb his nose at authority. Break his still, take it away, it won't do any good because Hawkeye will always find a way to make sure he has a never-ending supply of martinis.

6. Walter White - Breaking Bad

Walter white breaking bad
Cooking meth or distilling spirits -- it's all just a matter of chemistry to Heisenberg. If Breaking Bad was set in the 20s, you could bet Walter White would still be the one who knocks.
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21 of the Best Kisses That Never Happened


Sometimes the kisses that don't happen are even better than the ones that do. 

In fact, the buildup to a kiss can be more satisfying to watch than the actual kiss itself. 

Related: 23 TV Characters Who Were Secretly Crushing on Their Friend

There's instances where characters had a change of heart, others times they were interrupted, and once in a while there's a kiss that happened in an alternate reality. 

We created a list of 21 of the best kisses that never happened! 

1. Prairie and Homer - The OA

Prairie and homer the oa
They were separated by a glass wall for seven years. Always close, but never close enough. Right when they're finally able to touch for the first time they are violently pulled apart.

2. Chidi and Eleanor - The Good Place

Chidi and eleanor the good place
This one is an interesting situation because even though the kiss technically did happen, it didn't. We love you Michael, but the repercussions of your reality altering reboots are still frustrating to this day.

3. Lucas and Maya - Girl Meets World

Lucas and maya girl meets world
In all honesty, the only reason why Lucas and Maya didn't kiss is that the show aired on Disney Channel. With the way these two were looking at each other, it was a bit puzzling that Girl Meets World left us hanging.

4. Rosie and Villa - Rosewood

Rosie and villa rosewood
All we wanted was for Rosie and Villa to finally admit how they felt about each other. The number of teases between them before they officially entered the romantic territory were just plain painful.

5. Jake and Amy - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Jake and amy brooklyn nine nine
All Jake and Amy wanted to do was kiss, but the world just was not having it. It took several attempts for them to finally smooch after being separated from each other for months.

6. Oliver and Felicity - Arrow

Oliver and felicity arrow
Did this kiss really happen? Considering this scene was cut from the episode and then released as a deleted scene, does it count?
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13 Characters Who Ruined the Moment


Right when we finally think we're going to get a long-awaited kiss or confession between our OTP, a character will barge in and ruin the moment. 

Not only is it frustrating, but it just makes us want it even more. Can't our favorite couples just have a moment to themselves?

Related: 13 Favorite Male Bisexual Characters on TV

We created a slideshow below of 13 characters who ruined the moment! 

1. Jace Herondale - Shadowhunters

Jace herondale shadowhunters
"Sorry" doesn't do it, Jace. Alec and Magnus were having an incredibly sweet moment when Alec's parabatai decided to let himself in. Have you never heard of knocking? Neither Alec nor Magnus were amused.

2. Wade - Cougar Town

Everyone cougar town
Right when Travis and Laurie are finally about to kiss, Laurie's long-distance army boyfriend, Wade, returns from Afghanistan early. In all honesty, we're not sure who we feel sorrier for.

3. Eve Polastri - Killing Eve

Eve polastri killing eve
Eve is probably the biggest mood killer in history. Right when we thought that Eve and Villanelle were going to kiss, Eve stabs her in the stomach. Well...that wasn't how we expected that scene to go.

4. Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon cooper the big bang theory
Sheldon ruins so many moments in so many annoying ways that it's impossible to pick just once. We still can't believe Penny and Leonard ever managed to find a moment alone. Sheldon is officially the mood killer of the group.

5. Elsa Gardner - Atypical

Elsa gardner atypical
Casey's mom couldn't have picked a worse time to come in the room. Casey and Izzie's lips were less than an inch apart when the door was flung open, and the two were forced to jump away from each other.

6. Dr. Hunter - The OA

Dr hunter the oa
Prairie and Homer had been separated by glass cages for years, but they were finally able to touch each other for the first time. The two leaned in for their first kiss, but Dr. Hunter stormed into the room and pulled them apart before they were able to.
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We Never Saw These TV Crossovers Coming, But They Changed Our Lives Forever


Shows set in the same universe like Grey's Anatomy and Station 19, the Arrowverse, and One Chicago can frequently crossover.

Crossovers between shows airing on different networks or taking place in incompatible universes are harder to pull off.

Now and then some can cut through the red tape and pull off a mindblowing crossover between shows we never thought could crossover.

Crossover Collage

More then previous Arrowverse crossovers, Crisis On Infinite Earths had a lot to prove. It had to top the previous crossovers. It had to be as epic as the comic it took inspiration from. 

Most of all, since Arrow was ending, it had to be a fitting swan song for Oliver Queen.

Great as it was seeing characters from all Arrowverse shows act together, those in charge of making Crisis on Infinite Earths rightly recognized this story needed to be bigger than just the Arrowverse.

They got characters from shows long over -- Smallville, Birds of Prey, and Adam West's Batman -- to make appearances.

Movie versions of Superman and The Flash showed up, which was surprising because tv verses are usually kept very separate from movie verses.

Lucifer seeing Constantine - The Flash

Best of all, Diggle and Mia accompanied Constantine on a journey to visit the Devil himself -- Lucifer, as played by Tom Ellis.

Rumors of it leaked before The Flash Season 6 Episode 9, aired, but it didn't take away what it represented.

Crisis on Infinite Earths was epic enough to cross network lines. Also, even if we didn't know it, we needed to witness Lucifer mispronouncing Constantine's name.

Will the Arrowverse and Lucifer ever cross paths again? It's unknown, but knowing it could happen adds another layer of excitement and possibility to those shows. 

My Dinner with Abed - Community

Lucifer isn't the only character who has made the perilous journey across network lines.

Community Season 2 Episode 9 mentioned Abed was watching Cougar Town.

Abed delivered a monologue about being an extra on Cougar Town on Community Season 2 Episode 19. It served as an unexpected vehicle for the exploration of Abed and Jeff's characters and as a payoff to the joke of Abed liking Cougar Town.

Only it wasn't the end of the connection between Community and Cougar Town.

On Community Season 2 Episode 24, Cougar Town actors Busy Philipps and Dan Byrd were spotted in the background of a crowd scene.

Community Cougar Town

Then things really became meta on Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 21 when Danny Pudi, Abed's actor, could be seen sitting near Laurie and Travis until he suddenly makes a run for it.

Obviously (and delightfully), Pudi was playing Abed as an extra on Cougar Town.

These were only cameo appearances, but the crossover was amazing for a few reasons. It happened between two shows on rival networks. It showed the admiration both shows had for the other.

Plus, it was a prime example of how Community and Cougar Town go the extra mile to deliver payoffs to recurring jokes -- making you appreciate both shows all the more.

Bones & Crane

Community and Cougar Town are very much distinct, unique shows, but they complement each other well.

Something I wouldn't think to apply to Bones and Sleepy Hollow until the two shows crossed over on Bones Season 11 Episode 5 and Sleepy Hollow Season 3 Episode 5. 

Bones takes its share of artistic liberties, but it's a drama centered around using science to solve crimes. Introducing the supernatural would break the rules embedded into the show.

Meanwhile, the supernatural is crucial to Sleepy Hollow. It is, after all, a show about Ichabod Crane waking up in the 21st century to stave off the apocalypse.

How do Bones and Sleepy Hollow crossover without ruining the way their universes work?

Bones Hollow

When the Bones characters were involved, the crossover did a good job teasing the supernatural without actually revealing the supernatural (and without making Brennan and Booth look stupid for not putting the pieces together).

As fun as it was too see Brennan, Booth, Ichabod, and Abby figure a way out of an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom-like trap, what makes the crossover special are the character moments.

Brennan and Ichabod debated magic versus science and the pros and cons of mixing work with pleasure.

Booth and Abby bonded over their shared feelings about their jobs and their respective relationships with Sheriff Corbin.

Compelling character dynamics can make even the most unlikely of crossovers work. 

Abby and Booth - Bones

The only thing wilder than a crossover between a supernatural show and a non-supernatural show is a crossover between a live-action show and an animated show.

Supernatural proved it was up for the challenge when it crossed over with Scooby-Doo on Supernatural Season 13 Episode 16.

Supernatural balanced both the absurdity of Sam and Dean getting pulled into a Scooby-Doo episode and how freaking awesome it was for the out-of-the-blue (even for them) thing to happen.

It's an intriguing episode because it challenges the characters from both shows. Dean, Sam, and Cas need to adapt to being animated.

Dean teams up with Daphne - Supernatural

The Scooby gang gets confronted with heavier subject matter -- like their mortality -- than they're used to dealing with while solving mysteries.

It was also a hilarious and affectionate Scooby-Doo tribute.

The risk of doing a crossover with Scooby-Doo paid off for Supernatural.

What could have been a disaster made for a great TV episode and demonstrated how a live-action show could go animated without losing its identity.   

Over to you, TV Fanatics!

Which TV crossovers caught you by surprise?

What shows do you think would make for an unexpectedly good crossover?

Hit the comments below.

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17 Women Who Get Stronger With Wine


The popularity of drinking wine has grown significantly over the last few years. To the point where women who love wine are all over TV now.

They’re drinking because their husband is a secret drug dealer or their lover is married or they see death on a daily basis. You know, normal stuff. Vino helps them cope.

Of course, there are those that just drink wine for fun or because they enjoy the taste or even just because they can.

While they drink it for different reasons, under very different circumstances, these females have one thing in common – they are all strong.

Call me crazy, but I think the wine has something to do with that.

The post 17 Women Who Get Stronger With Wine appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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