Proposals don’t have to be classic to be epic. The question isn’t always asked over a perfectly organized dinner or during a moonlit stroll on the beach.
They can happen in all kinds of ways, and while some proposals may be really outside the box and others may not go as planned, they can be just as (if not more) beautiful.
We’ve composed a slideshow below of 19 of the most unique marriage proposals on TV!
Meredith and Derek – Grey’s Anatomy
Being a total romantic, Derek decorated the hospital elevator with different reminders of his journey with Meredith at Seattle Grace. Instead of properly asking the question, Derek just told Meredith that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

Jules and Grayson – Cougar Town
To start off their life full of surprises, Grayson gets Jules to teepee a house and ends up proposing when he comes to arrest her. While it may sound like an odd prank and proposal, he managed to give Jules everything she wanted.

Barry and Iris – The Flash
During his second attempt at a proposal, Barry sang “Running Home To You” to Iris. It was extremely sweet and romantic, and let’s be honest. If Iris hadn’t said yes, we would have transported to the DC universe and accepted his proposal ourselves.

Barney and Robin – How I Met Your Mother
Out of all the proposals on this list, Barney’s proposal to Robin was by far the most thought out and unique. In an elaborate plan that took course over a series of episodes, Barney pretended that he was dating and proposing to her co-worker Patrice. Robin went to stop the proposal only to find out it was her Barney was proposing too.

Nomi and Amanita – Sense8
When Amanita pulled out a ring and asked Nomi to marry her she was overwhelmed for more than one reason. After taking a minute to compose herself, Nomi pulled out a ring as well! They both ended up getting a proposal and it couldn’t have been any more perfect.

Cory and Topanga – Boy Meets World
Topanga ends up proposing to a pretty shocked Cory during their graduation. Later, Cory wants to do the proposing as well, but his mom butts in and half-way does it for him before he takes the ring and proposes himself.

Niles and Daphne – Frasier
Staying true to himself, Niles goes a bit overboard with his proposal to Daphne. Unfortunately, Daphne comes home sick and Niles has everyone sneak out of the apartment in a very comical scene. Despite her feeling under the weather, Niles can’t resist throwing away his immaculate plans and proposing right then and there.

Jake and Amy – Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake and Amy’s marriage proposal fit them perfectly. It was both hilarious and adorable and even though it took Jake a minute to convince Amy the proposal wasn’t part of a heist, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.

Mitch and Cam – Modern Family
With gay marriage just becoming legal, both Mitch and Cam planned to propose to each other. But after quite a crazy day, they realized the only thing they needed to say to each other was “Yes.” And somehow, that was better than a million proposals put together.

Will and Emma – Glee
No one can argue that Will’s proposal to Emma was epic. After getting students and staff to hand her roses in the hallway, Will brought her to the pool where he and the Glee kids performed. Will even changed into an actual suit and swam across the pool to her before professing his love with a heartwarming speech.

Nick and Jess – New Girl
Wanting the proposal to be perfect, Nick postponed asking Jess to marry him until the right moment. That moment ended up being during a frantic dog search with an outdoor screening of Jess’ favorite movie playing in the background. Even though Nick was disappointed that his plans fell through, Jess assured him that nothing was more perfect than them being together.

Toby and Kate – This Is Us
Thinking he was asleep, Kate confessed her love for Toby by his hospital bedside. It turns out that Toby was awake all along and while “I’d marry the hell out of you,” isn’t a typical wedding proposal — we’ll take it!

Chandler and Monica – F. R. I. E. N. D. S.
Chandler and Monica’s proposal was one beautiful and wild ride. After Chandler thought Monica was going to leave him for Richard, he opened the door to find the apartment full of candles and Monica standing in the living room. She got down on one knee but ended up crying too hard to get the words out, so Chandler took over and finished the proposal.

Jim and Pam – The Office
Jim Halpert is the only person who can make a gas station proposal look romantic. Tired of being apart for so long due to Pam’s classes, they met at the gas station for lunch where Jim immediately proposed in the middle of a downpour.

Emily and Alison – Pretty Little Liars
Alison tried her best to keep the proposal a secret but Emily demanded to know what she was hiding. Like Alison said, throwing Emily a surprise party would definitely not be a good idea. Alison ended up proposing to Emily right there in the middle of the living room with her pajamas on.

Mary and Matthew – Downtown Abbey
These two have definitely been through a lot together and Mary wasn’t going to accept a proposal unless it was done the proper way. In an adorable moment, Matthew followed her proposal instructions and asked her to become his wife.

Stef and Lena – The Fosters
Despite already having a family together, Stef and Lena were never actually married. After getting shot and realizing how important Lena was to her, Stef took off her oxygen mask and used what little strength she had to propose.

Kurt and Blaine – Glee
How could you not say yes to a musical proposal taking place at the spot you first met? Kurt was completely overjoyed and surrounded by all his friends and family, and it was clear by how much work Blaine put into everything, how much he loved him.

Michael and Holly – The Office
Even though the proposal also served as a farewell to Michael Scott, we couldn’t have asked for a better ending for Michael and Holly. Michael filled the office with candles, which caused the sprinklers to go off right when he was about to propose. Of course, with two people who are already so light-hearted it just made the proposal even better — and it definitely didn’t stop Holly from saying yes.

The post 19 of the Most Unique Marriage Proposals on Television appeared first on TV Fanatic.