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Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 1 Review: American Dream Plan B


The cul-de-sac crew is back in Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 1.

Picking right back up with the pregnancy storyline we saw in Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 13, Travis and Laurie are expecting. Thankfully, a time skip allowed us to jump forward towards the end of the pregnancy, with only one month to go. Nothing more boring than watching a bun cook for nine months. 

Laurie, pregnant and miserable, was pretty hard to miss with her incredibly large and incredibly fake baby bump. But she managed to take advantage of her circumstances in a hilarious new spin on pregnancy perks. Too bad for her, shoplifting isn't covered on that list. 

No More Wine! - Cougar Town

Travis' preparations for daddyhood were slightly less entertaining. Practicing with a teacup pig sounded like a hilarious setup, but it turned out to be kind of a letdown. The most climactic part of the story was losing the poor thing. Grayson's little Matrix monologue didn't exactly help matters, so the subplot just felt kind of distracting on the whole. 

We did get to hear several hilarious allusions to Grayson's off-screen daughter, Tampa. Did anyone else totally forget that she existed? Besides all of the characters that is...

The cheese factor came in when our boozy little gang decided to give up wine to help Laurie cope with her last month of pregnancy. As expected, that pact lasted all of ten minutes before Ellie, Andy, and Tom were returning to their wino ways in a makeshift speakeasy. The whole thing felt a little rushed and silly, resolving itself almost as soon as it started, but Laurie's slow-motion nickle attack was good for a laugh.

Not to worry though, we got our regular helping of life lessons and emotional revelations towards the end. Laurie and Jules' touching speech about their friendship and depending on one another was enough to bring a tear to anyone's eye.

It was Jules' final realization that really sealed the deal and hinted at where the season is headed. In her mind, there is a very real possibility that Travis and Laurie will not be able to handle the stress of being parents. They certainly didn't seem very ready in this episode. If that turns out to be the case, the responsibility will fall to her, and she'll be raising another kid in her 40s. That possibility terrifies her a little bit.

Is this a not so subtle hint that Jules might end up pregnant sometime this season? 

Enjoy all the hilarity again and watch Cougar Town online via TV Fanatic any time to tickle your funny bone.

Do you think that Jules will end up pregnant? Or will Laurie and Travis' baby be the only addition to the family this season?

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 2 Review: Full Grown Boy


Parting is such sweet sorrow, but Bobby has officially left the building.

This week, Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 2 gave us one last chance to say goodbye to a favorite character, while welcoming a much anticipated new one. 

At the first mention that Laurie was selecting baby names, I knew a few silly options were coming. True to form, her favorites included Fancy, Macho, Pinot, and Pea, among many, many more. They seemed to get more ridiculous as time went on. Understandably, Travis was mortified that his child might be named after a wine or a vegetable, so you couldn't help but side with the guy when he enlisted Ellie's help into tricking Laurie out of her choices. 

Last week was seriously lacking in Bobby, so we got an extra helping of him in his sendoff episode. It was great to see one last bonding adventure between the guys before Andy and Grayson had to say goodbye for good. And who doesn't love a good velcro wall?

Sometimes doing the hard thing gets you where you need to be.


The dud plot of the night had to be Jules' mother hen approach to dealing with Chick.

Even though he showed no signs of being sick or ailing at all, Jules' determination to treat him like he was on his death bed was pretty ridiculous. Seeing Tom dressed up in Antebellum period wear – parasol and all – almost made it worth it though. 

If you, like me, mistakenly thought that this baby would be a series finale birth, then woah were you wrong. Laurie's water broke in the middle of the fake battlefield, meaning that we got to meet the newest member of the cul-de-sac crew much earlier than expected. 

Travis and Laurie really seem to be pulling it together lately, and it was so great to see them tackle this first hurdle as a couple. It was even more touching to watch them pick out the baby name together, even if they were cutting it a little close.

If the group huddle in the hospital room didn't tug at your heartstrings enough, then how about this adorable baby boy's name? Bobby might have been leaving, but his namesake is here to stay. Welcome to the family Baby Bobby! You sure are a cute one.

Check out Baby Bobby Cobb when you watch Cougar Town online.

Which ridiculous baby name was your favorite? Were you ready to see Bobby go? Let us know in comments below!

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 Review: To Find a Friend


Another giggly episode was in store for us tonight, but every week we get closer and closer to that awful day when Cougar Town will finally leave us for good. 

The cul-de-sac crew faced baby drama and bar shenanigans in Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3.

Running the Bar - Cougar Town

Starting off with my favorite couple, Travis and Laurie might have underestimated how stressful raising a infant on their own was going to be, and their first weekend alone with baby Bobby quickly turned into a full blown panic attack for the both of them.

Despite their sleep deprived minds and bizarre hallucinations, they really came together as parents, which is always nice to see. We don't often get to watch these two be cute and cuddly as a couple, but tonight there were some major moments for them. Their sleepy snuggling and synchronized hyperventilating were definitely awwww-worthy moments. Even their celebration at making it through the weekend, despite turning the house into a disaster zone, was nine kinds of adorable.

I love bro-bonding as much as the next viewer, but I've got to say that Grayson and Andy's search for the "new Bobby" was pretty disappointing. We all knew that Bobby's spot could never be filled! Maybe I'm just in denial...

I used to make fun of them, but now I get goth kids. Life is pain. Pain is life. The Cure rules!


Jules and Ellie definitely took the cake with the comedy portion of the evening. 

While Travis and Laurie might have overestimated their abilities as parents, Julie and Ellie definitely underestimated how hard it would be to run the bar in Grayson's place.

Leaving the door unlocked might be a rookie move, but that's exactly what they are; rookies. Instead of fessing up to the mistake, they spend the rest of the weekend overpricing drinks and sweet talking customers trying to make back the stolen money they lost. Half the fun of Ellie and Jules is watching them try and fail in whatever endeavor comes their way, and this was no different. 

Ellie: We've been robbed!
Jules: Dun dun dun... I don't know why I did that.

Even after making back most of the money, Grayson busts them. In this fictional cul-de-sac, money is apparently of no import, so naturally Grayson wasn't even mad. He did make the two girls dance on the bar Coyote Ugly style as payment for their little mishap though.

Overall, this episode had filler written all over it, but sometimes those are the best of the bunch.

Kick back with a glass of wine of your own and watch Cougar Town online.

With only five more episodes to go until finale time, where do you think the Cougar Crew is heading next? 

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 4 Review: Waiting for Tonight


Who knew Pixar could be so painful?

Date night catastrophes, Buzz Lightyear, and Twitter shenanigans all seemed to conspire against Jules and Grayson in Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 4.

The Ideal Couple

You never really realize just how much time the cul-de-sac crew spends together until one of the characters shamelessly points it out. They're literally always glued to each other's side, to the point where Grayson can actually narrate the scene as it's happening, he's so used to baby interruptions and neighborly visits. So understandably, he wants one romantic evening alone with his lady love. Tough luck, buddy.

As a Toy Story fanatic - yes I cried during the third movie, I'm not ashamed - I was pumped to see Andy actually squeeze himself into a Buzz Lightyear costume. He looked incredibly silly, but it was still awesome. Even more awesome was the conundrum of how to get him out of the suit once he was stuck. This might not have been hard-hitting television, but everyone needs a good slapstick comedic moment now and again.

Travis: That thing's on you like a bear trap. Is there at least a zipper so you can go to the bathroom?
Andy: I don't have to go anymore...
Travis: What?
Andy: What?

Meanwhile, Ellie finds her newfound solitude a little boring and takes charge of Laurie's Twitter account for the day. At first, the role reversal felt pretty jarring - seeing Ellie use "Laurie Speak" was not something I ever expected to hear - but it definitely had me giggling.

Laurie's Twitter needed handling in the first place because she and Travis have finally planned a night together without the baby. Something that seems exciting for them, but everyone else finds unbearably disgusting to think about, much to Travis' chagrin. 

Laurie: Today baby Bobby turns 6 weeks old!
Travis: And 6 weeks after childbirth means Laurie and I can finally... officially... get it on.
Ellie: Ugh.
Andy: Bleh.

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Travis has grown up so much over the years, it's sometimes hard to remember that he's technically not in the same generation as the "grown-ups." He's Jules' son for crying out loud. I found it totally understandable that they would have an adverse reaction to the idea of him having sex. Even if he's been inducted into the parent's club, he's still probably a kid in their eyes, and no one wants to think about their kid having sex.

After much pouting, frustration, and two minor car accidents, Grayson and Jules finally get their dinner together. With all the obvious comedy going on, sometimes it's nice to watch these two just hunker down and have a real romantic moment. It makes it all count, you know?

As we're hitting the halfway mark for the season, I have to wonder... what are we in for next? I made a pretty risky prediction that Jules might end up pregnant at the end of this season, but we've seen no more hints of that yet. 

Do you think Jules will end up pregnant? Will Travis and Laurie master parenthood? Sound off in comments below!

Be sure to go back and watch Cougar Town online to relive all the giggles! 

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 5 Review: Even the Losers


I'm going to be honest, the only thing I took away from Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 5 was that Jules got a snazzy new haircut.

And NO ONE said anything. 

Have a Drink

Knowing my fair share of mothers, I can confirm that Jules' "mom goggles" are in fact a real thing that every mother suffers from. You might think your kid is the cutest, smartest, most talented toddler in the sandbox, but it's only because they're yours. The rest of us don't share your particularly strong bias. Likewise, Jules struggled with the realization that Travis' attempts to turn a beat up old van into a Scooby Doo Taxi Cab was maybe not the best laid plan. She just couldn't help but support her son, even if his idea was sure to fail.

But in true cul-de-sac crew fashion, wine was the solution to their every problem. Instead of a taxi service, Travis gets the bright idea to open up a mobile wine bar. In this neighborhood, I expect him to turn quite a profit. 

I like that the show seems to be wrapping up everyone's lives a little bit as we get closer and closer to the end of the series. Travis and Laurie are together, and now they've got a stable source of income in this new business venture. The two people you were sure would end up tragic at life in general are setting themselves and their family up pretty nicely. 

Grayson's subplot was short, sweet, and bizarre. Always a good sign in a Cougar Town episode. I don't know if I'll ever get the slightly disturbing image of tiny children performing "Everybody Dance Now" with Grayson out of my head.

Andy and Ellie stole the show when it comes right down to it. After seeing Andy in a funk over his less than cheerful personal life, Ellie concocts a plan to get him back in the swing of things.

I've never seen him this bad. I almost... what's that word? Care.


For all the times that Ellie teases and disregards her husband, we know that she truly does love him, and it's episodes like these that make it obvious. Why else would she go through the trouble of creating a fake arch nemesis for Andy to defeat, complete with secret mission background music?

If you weren't totally impressed with the key swipe, then I'll bet that Fight Club reference at the end got you.

Were you touched by Ellie's devotion to Andy? Do you think Travis' Winebulance will take off? Let us know in comments below! 

And if you in the mood to be traumatized by Grayson's first grade concert, watch Cougar Town online with TV Fanatic.

Quotes of the Week: A Bare Bottom, A Hall Pass for George Clooney & More!


Castle caught his first cheating spouse bare bottomed while Rogelio talked passion with Jane the Virgin  and Lisa Vanderpump shared her plans for George Clooney on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, that is if husband Ken grants her a hall pass.

Apparently many of our favorites were hungry as Tony DiNozzo over on NCIS and Nick from Grimm shared advice about cookies while Pretty Little Liars shared their opinions on omelets. 

Meanwhile the Supernatural boys got back in the game but this time as teenagers while Marvel's Agent Carter shared her plan for commanding respect and Charlie on State of Affairs was determined to get Nick back home. 

Flip through our quotable slideshow to see if we caught any of your favorites this week.

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 6 Review: The Wrong Thing to Do


As an avid Grey's Anatomy fan, can I say how much I loved the devolution of Tom into a douchey McSteamy? 

On top of the great Greys' references, Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 6 also had a few really heartwarming moments.

Buccaneer Week

You have to sympathize with Ellie's totally fed up state of mind over Andy's unemployment. Two stay-at-home parents does not a happy home make.

My house has become the secret lair of Captain No Job


Naturally, she goes in search of a hideaway all her own, which leads us to the first tear jerker moment of the night.

Guys, we've got to have a serious talk about Grayson and Ellie. As much as these two antagonize each other – with boats, sunglasses, guitars, or water balloons – their friendship is really something to marvel at. They don't share the screen all that often, so it's easy to forget they're connected by more than just their respective relationships with Jules. They're actually friends. And like any good friends, they might have fun pushing each other off ladders, but that doesn't mean they don't love each other.

Just don't try to get Ellie to admit that.

On a funnier note, Tom shocks everyone by revealing that he's kind of the rich, sexy neurosurgeon of his hospital, which is why so many young, hot doctors fawn over him. We even get to see a dramatic smackdown when three of the girls he ends up dating find out about each other and have it out.

Travis: Why are they taking their jewelry off?
Laurie: Because that's the last stop before a catfight.

Last, but certainly not least, Andy and Jules prepare for the slew of job interview he's got lined up. Since when do any of these people actually work?

Though the process is a little silly and unconventional, Jules realizes one very important thing about her friend: he's not ready to go back to work. All the time spent away from his home and his family will not make him happy, so like any good friend, she helps him pitch the idea to Ellie that he should be a stay-at-home dad, and she should go back to work.

Ellie thankfully takes the pitch marvelously. Her little spat with Grayson gave her a similar revelation; she realized that she's unspeakably bored, and she needs a challenge. Getting back into the working world could be just that challenge. I love it when a plan comes together!

I also never underestimate the cuteness of a good Andy/Ellie scene. They might play at being a belligerent old married couple, but when push comes to shove, these two would do anything for each other.

Relive all the touchy-feely moments when you watch Cougar Town online via TV Fanatic. Bring some tissues. 

Quotes of the Week: Tony Remembers, Finch Gives 'Em Hell and More!


It's the time of week when we share with you all the quotes our writers have rounded up as their favorites. 

If you haven't been watching Togetherness on HBO, the quote will give you a little of the intimacy problems the couples experience on the show.

Spencer doesn't think Hanna is necessarily doing her part on Pretty Little Liars and Louis gets a bit confused about the possibility of riding in the car with patient zero on Suits.

That's just a part of the fun, and if you want to see it all, you need only flip through the slideshow to see the rest of the story!

Did we miss any one-liners or great speeches from your favorite show(s)? Let us know right now!

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 7 Review: The Wild One, Forever


Let's face it, prom night is normally a total bust. But when the cul de sac crew is chaperoning, there's no such thing as a bust! Unless you count Laurie's ridiculous hairstyle that is...

On Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 7, the group volunteers to host the local high school's prom in Gray's Pub after a hurricane decimates their gym.

Preparing for Prom - Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 7

As expected, most of the crew is less than enthused at the prospect of chaperoning. Laurie and Jules', however, are more than ready to party it up and relive their glory days. 

Jules: You know, since the day that we met, I spent most of my craziest times with you.
Laurie: Oh like the time we broke all the penises off the statues! Or when we went bar hopping and we stole that scary cop's gun? Or when we broke into Tom's house and we locked his girlfriend in the closet!
Jules: Wow, we sound totally insane when you string them all together.

The night takes an unexpected turn when Laurie remembers how her own mother partied her way through Laurie's childhood. While mama drama is never fun for anyone, Laurie did a particularly good job of tying in the troubles of her past to the troubles of her present. Hearing how turbulent her upbringing was, I couldn't help but sympathize with her fears of being a terrible mother herself. When you drink as much wine as these guys do, it's probably pretty hard to find the line between responsible parent and drunken party girl. 

Jules reassures her that having a good time doesn't make her a bad mom, and returning to your kid every night is half the fun anyway. I love the throwback moments with these two girls because it really reminds you how the show started off. 

They might be boring old moms together now, but there was a time when they were both pretty rowdy.

Travis and Grayson have their own bonding moment when they realize that they might be holding on a little too tight to their own high school baggage. A nerd will always be a nerd, and a cool kid will always be a cool kid, and you can pretty easily guess which guy falls into which category.

They both realize that their stereotypes won't keep them from being friends though, even if they're probably never going away. I think what I love most about this relationship is that Grayson never tries to be a dad with Travis. They're buddies, family, pals, and fellow wine drinkers, but they never push the stepfather vibe too much. 

Andy's subplot was probably the silliest, but it was also the funnest. Not only did we get a story about Andy's high school trauma, we got to hear Ellie's hilarious prom tale too. Even if Andy ended up getting de-pantsed in front of a bunch of teenagers, it was still a good night. 

Whose prom outfit did you like best? Did anyone's high school history surprise you?

Don't forget to watch Cougar Town online via TV Fanatic to catch all the prom poses! 

Quotes of the Week: Francis Forbids, Sherlock Supposes and More!


It's the time of the week to bring your attention to some of the most memorable quotes of the week!

This week Capt. Lance spoke from the heart to his remaining daughter on Arrow, The Big Bang Theory guys discussed the realities of celebrity and Lisbon likens her family to cavemen on the series finale of The Mentalist. 

To find out what else we have in store for you, just scroll through the slideshow and enjoy! 

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 8 Review: This One's For Me


I love it when sitcom characters have fake acting jobs. It's always so hilariously cheesy.

This week on Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 8, Grayson provides the cheese when Jules' finds out about his hidden stand up comedy quartet. 

It's a timeless tale; the boy lies, which causes the girl to snoop, and suddenly both parties are in the wrong. Personally, I think you never know what you're going to find when you go snooping through your significant other's stuff, so Jules' really took her life in her hands there.

Jules: At least none of these are weird sex things.
Tom: Uh, two of them can be.
Jules: Which one? No, I don't want to know. It's the fedora, right?

Jules' and Grayson's conflict was decidedly silly, but it was rooted in the deeper issue of him not trusting her with his secrets. Jules is a bit of a blabber mouth after all. I thought it was definitely a touching moment that she ended up lying for his dignity at the end of the episode, even if everyone could see right through her excuses. 

Even sillier than a Rigatoni Quartet, was Andy's concept of "secret treats" for men who always let their women win fights. A happy wife might make a happy home, but Andy might be kidding himself if he thinks stale marshmallows are the only thing keeping him sane.

Travis' secret PS4 purchase turns out to be way more stressful as a secret than an open admission, which is why he ends up telling Laurie about it. I'm not all that surprised that she wasn't angry with him, even after he lied. For all her hysterics, Laurie really seems like she'd be the most chill girlfriend/wife of the bunch. 

Ellie, the poor darling, spent most of the night being tormented by Laurie and her band of mommy twitter followers as they dressed up in identical outfits with their kids.

We're even wearing the same unisex cologne. "Both" by Bruce Jenner.


I have to side with Ellie on this one; matching outfits are weird and borderline bad parenting. I don't care if it's an Armani suit, if a kid rolls up wearing the same exact clothes as his mom, he's going to get beat up on the playground that afternoon. Harsh truth. 

Tonight's episode was a bit of ridiculous fun, which was an nice break from the slightly heavier episodes we've had the past few weeks. I'm all ready for more touching moments between our favorite characters, but every now and then you just need a good fluff episode. 

Don't forget to watch Cougar Town online via TV Fanatic to figure out where exactly Andy hides all his marshmallows and check in next week for a review of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 9!

Quotes of the Week: Oliver Begs, Harvey Professes and More!


It's that time of the week again!

Even with a relatively slow week on TV, our Fanatics still managed to find some great quotes. After all, Ra's al Ghul has something important to say to Oliver Queen on Arrow, Agent Carter went out with her head held high and Leonard was talking about love on The Big Bang Theory.

So flip around our slideshow and see what quotes made an impact on us this week!

Renewed or Canceled: What's the Fate of Your Favorite Show?


It's that time of the year again.

The time where television viewers around the nation wonder whether they'll be saying farewell to their favorite dramas or comedies for good come spring...

... or whether they'll be welcoming them back with open, excited arms in a few months.

From now until the network Upfronts in May, we'll be keeping you apprised of the fates of ... well... pretty much every single show on TV, as the following photo gallery will accompany an endless number of renewal and cancelation articles.

The statuses of these shows will be updated on a continual basis, but you can click around above and get an idea of where your most DVR-worthy programs stand.

Have they already received the axe? Have executives already passed along the news you've been dying to hear?

Find out now. Complain or cheer later.

17 TV Characters Who Love To Drink: Bring On the Bourbon!


Some of our favorite TV characters, like Olivia Popeare sophisticated, responsible drinkers. Others? Hahaha. Not so much.

Plus, red wine is basically cardio, so she's just eliminating the need for a swim sesh, right?

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we thought we'd take a look at some of the TV characters who are seldom seen without an adult beverage in their hands.

Take a look at 17 TV characters who love to drink!

From bourbon to beer and every alcoholic beverage in between, the above 17 characters are steady drinkers. Yes, even the animated characters!

What would Homer Simpson be without a can (or 12) of Duff beer? Is Archer EVER sober? 

Damon Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman have done so much drinking together on The Vampire Diaries that their bourbon swilling became a running gag. So what if it was noon on a Tuesday? You'd find them at the Grill knocking back tumblers of their favorite honey colored nectar. 

Damon drank to temper his, well, temper. Alaric had a lot of sorrows to drown. Dude was seriously the most unlucky character ever.

And let's not forget our wine lovers!

The girls of Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce make every occasion a drinking occasion, much like the ladies of Sex and the City did once upon a time. Their love of a good glass of grape juice is part of their charm.

How thorough was our list? Who's missing? Sound off in the comments below to let us know!

Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 13: Full Episode Live!


And, with that, the final drop of wine has been drank.

The impressive run of this TBS sitcom (formerly of ABC, of course) came to a conclusion with Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 13, as Jules and company bid farewell to fans forever.

But not before Grayson’s efforts to prevent Jules from running her own birthday were interrupted by major changes for all of Gulfhaven’s notorious wine guzzlers, of course.

In what regard? How did the show, which has been through more than most shows out there, say its goodbye?

Find out when you watch Cougar Town online via the above video.

Sexy Saturday: 21 TV Characters Cooling Off in Swimsuits


May Sweeps is over, pools are opening, grills are firing up, and beach trips are being planned. It's Sexy Saturday here at TV Fanatic and we're set for summer with these sexy TV characters who are sporting their swimwear.

As the temperatures continue to rise, what better way to cool off than slipping on your favorite swimsuit and hitting the water? That's what these TV characters chose to do! Some are hitting the waves with their surfboards, some prefer the pool to the ocean, and others prefer to stay dry and are satisfied just soaking up the sun.

Regardless of your preference, check out our slideshow of sexy men and women donning swimwear and then head outside to enjoy the surf, sun, and sand for yourselves!

1. Olivia Pope - Scandal

It's hard to blame Olivia for leaving it all behind to hide out on an island with Jake. Who wouldn't want to trade in their home and job for the sun and sand, especially when there are regular deliveries of wine?

2. Kate Beckett - Castle

When Castle and Beckett head to Los Angeles for a case, Kate uses her power of seduction and a sexy one-piece to get her man, not to mention her partner's attention.

3. Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams - Hawaii Five-O

Hawaii 5 0
The men (and woman) of Hawaii Five-0 are always attractive, but watching Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams surfing on the Hawaii shore will make you long for summer, sun, and some sexy, sexy gentlemen!

4. The Cast of Baywatch

The cast of baywatch
While lifeguarding has always been a hot profession, the slow motion shots and sexy, impractical swimsuits launched a million fantasies and turned stars Pamela Anderson and Yasmine Bleeth into bonafide sex symbols.

5. Nikita Mears - Nikita

Nikita mears
Nikita knows how to use her sexiness to her advantage when it comes to taking down her enemy. That bathing suit certainly doesn't seem to have any effect on her kick ass fighting skills!

6. Derek Morgan and Elle Greenaway - Criminal Minds

Derek morgan and elle greenaway
The members of the Behavior Analysis Unit don't get much time for R&R, but when those rare times occur, they relax in style! Unfortunately for Derek and Elle, this vacation was cut short by a case, but at least they managed to squeeze some sun in first!
View Slideshow

23 Shows That Have Come Back From the Dead


All TV shows, no matter how successful, are eventually canceled. Sooner or later, whether they've been on the air one season or ten, the network drops the ax and the series is over. But there are a rare few that have been reborn to find an audience once again. 

Whether it is due to a rabid fan base, a production studio willing to renegotiate or a miracle granted by the TV gods, there are a unique group of shows that have managed to defy the odds and be brought back from the dead.

We're talking Veronica Mars (available now on Amazon Prime!). We're talking Firefly (also available now on Amazon Prime!).

And we're talking overall about 23 TV shows that were amazingly brought back to life.  

1. Veronica Mars

Veronica mars movie poster
Veronica Mars ran for three seasons from 2004 to 2007 before it bit the dust. Then, several years later, something miraculous occurred. A Kickstarter campaign surfaced and fans helped raise the $2 million to make a Veronica Mars movie a reality. The movie was released in March of 2014 and has left fans hopeful for a sequel.

2. Heroes Reborn

Heroes reborn
The unique sci-fi series about ordinary people who realize that they have superhuman abilities originally aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006 to 2010. Later, the online version, Heroes Evolutions, was created to explore the Heroes universe and provide further insight into the show's mythology. Proving that the series has its own superpower, it will be back on NBC with a 13-episode miniseries as Heroes Reborn in Fall of 2015.

3. Entourage

The entourage
Entourage aired on HBO from 2004 to 2011, but cancellation couldn’t keep the boys from Queens down for long. After eight seasons on TV, they took their story from the fictional big screen to the real one as Entourage the movie was released in theaters in June of 2015.

4. Firefly

The cast of firefly
Firefly didn't even get to finish out its one full season on FOX back in 2002 but despite its early cancellation, the fans love for the crew of the Serenity never died. In fact, it got stronger. So much so that a feature film, Serenity, was released in theaters in 2005. Hope of a sequel has always had fans of Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and the rest of the memorable cast feeling shiny.

5. Arrested Development

Arrested development cast pic
Arrested Development originally aired on FOX from 2003 to 2006. The unique comedy garnered critical acclaim, six Emmys and one Golden Globe as well as quite the cult following. It was so popular that even after it was cancelled, Netflix brought it back to life and released a fourth season in 2013.

6. Longmire

Longmire poster
Sheriff Walt Longmire kept law and order over at A&E for three seasons but when the network pulled the plug after a cliffhanger finale, fans were outraged. Thankfully, Netflix stepped in and signed up to produce a fourth season which should be available later this year.
View Slideshow

19 Ghoulishly Great Halloween Parties


It's not just about ghouls and goblins, although some of these parties have actual demons on the guest list. Whether it's fearful or funny, Halloween may be the one holiday that every TV show eventually celebrates. 

From the nerdiest costumes to a couple's very first kiss, heartbreaking declarations to the return of lost love and playing epic pranks to the joy of finding full size candy bars in your trick-or-treat bag, these Halloween parties go from hilarious to heart warming. 

Don't be scared. The bunnies aren't really evil, at least we don't think so. Check out the 19 most memorable Halloween parties on TV. 

1. Castle - "Vampire Weekend"

Castles halloween bash
An investigation into a vampire fetish community eventually wrapped up with Rick Castle throwing an epic Halloween bash for all of his friends. Castle actually wore two costumes in Castle Season 2 Episode 6, “Vampire Weekend” The first was from Nathan Fillion’s cult favorite Firefly character Capt. Mal Reynolds but for the actual party he dressed as one of his favorite authors, Edgar Allen Poe. Our favorites were Lanie as Cat Woman and Martha as Cruella de Vil.

2. How I Met Your Mother - "The Slutty Pumpkin"

How i met your mother the slutty pumpkin
Marshall was Jack Sparrow and Lily the green parrot. Robin's boyfriend broke up with her when he showed up as Hansel but she skipped the Gretel costume. But it was Ted (as a Hanging Chad) waiting to find his Slutty Pumpkin, the girl whose number he lost when Lily threw away his Kit Kat that stole the show. Ten years later Ted finally found the girl (Katie Holmes) but realized that after ten years of searching, the chemistry was gone.

3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - "Halloween II"

The bet brooklyn nine nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of those shows that knows how to do Halloween right, using the holiday to provide the perfect backdrop for a hilarious and tense competition between two intelligent cops. Jake and Captain Holt spend each Halloween trying to get the best of each other. In Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 1 Episode 6, Jake proved his cunning and his worth, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 2 Episode 4 had Captain Holt completely dominate the competition. We hope this goes on for a long time!

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Fear, Itself"

Buffy the vampire slayer season season 4 episode 4 fear itself
Buffy and her friends dress up for a Halloween party at a frat house inhabitated by a demon that feeds on their individual fears. Who wouldn’t have fun with that? Buffy goes as Little Red Riding Hood, Giles is wearing a sombrero, Willow is Joan of Arc and Xander goes as James Bond but our favorite is Anya in a bunny costume because what could be more terrifying than bunnies?

5. Cougar Town - “You Don’t Know How it Feels”

Cougar town you dont know how it feels
Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 6 had a lot of heart to go along with the laughs. Since her mother’s death, Jules was desperate to find a way to bond with her Dad but he seemed to be interested in anything but that at her Halloween party. On the strangely funny side we had Ellie and Laurie dressing as each other or Travis dressing as Andy. Now that’s something we’d only see on Cougar Town.

6. Bones - "Mummy in the Maze"

Bones mummy in the maze
A mandatory Halloween party at the Jeffersonian meant mummified bodies, a hay maze, an amusement park funhouse and a shootout with a clown. What more could you want from Bones Season 3 Episode 5? How about the the most memorable moment of the entire episode? Temperance Brennan decked out in her Wonder Woman outfit!
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15 Most Memorable Marriage Proposals in TV History


Love is in the air and Cupid's arrows have us remembering the special times when feelings were laid bare, lovers got down on one knee and rings were offered to seal the deal. 

Yes, we're talking about proposals. Sometimes the question is popped over the perfect romantic dinner but the moments that stick with us can be the ones that don't go according to plan. 

Some couples take the long road to find their happy ending. When fights are forgiven, misunderstandings are explained and doubts turn into lifetime commitments, those are the magical scenes that have fans holding their breath in anticipation or crying tears of joy. 

Check out the 15 most memorable and romantic marriage proposals on TV. 


1. Monica and Chandler - Friends

Chandler proposes friends
Just when Chandler thought he'd lost Monica forever, “The One With the Proposal, Part 2” had Monica surprising him by getting down on one knee and then starting to cry, "There's a reason why girls don't do this!” Chandler got down on his knees too and told his best friend, “You make me happier than I'd ever thought I would be. And if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.” It's one of the best proposals on any TV show…ever!

2. Rick Castle and Kate Beckett - Castle

Will you marry me season 5
Just as Kate Beckett thought Rick Castle was going to break up with her, he got down on one knee, pulled out a gorgeous ring and with the most serious expression asked, “Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?” When Kate worried her new job would get in the way, Castle assured her that, “I'm not proposing to you to keep you here or because I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you.” Yes, fans never got the fairy tale wedding they deserved and Castle Season 8's separation (both real and fake) has been a train wreck, but the Caskett proposal had all the feels we now miss.

3. Barney and Robin - How I Met Your Mother

Barney proposes
Barney played everyone when he told his friends he was proposing to someone else. So Robin was completely blindsided when he pulled out all the stops with a rooftop locale covered in rose petals to ask her to marry him. He even named the last play in his playbook “The Robin” as he hoped she'd be the last play he'd ever run. Things didn't work out that way but that didn't mean the proposal wasn't legend-ary.

4. Matthew and Mary - Downton Abbey

Matthew and mary downton abbey
As Mary said herself, they were two people who “carry more luggage than the porters at King's Cross” but love prevailed. Since both were involved with other people, Mary wanted to be sure, “You must say it properly. I won't answer unless you kneel down and everything.” So Matthew did just that, in a beautiful holiday setting with the snow slowing wafting down around them. It was a picture perfect, romantic proposal that we won't soon forget.

5. Ben and Leslie - Parks and Recreation

Ben and leslie parks and recreation
Ben's proposal to Leslie was a perfect representation of their romance. Ben planned a surprise trip home to see Leslie on Halloween, dropped to one knee, and began. Leslie, always needing to micromanage everything, interrupted him insisting she needed a few minutes to remember every detail of the moment. When Leslie was satisfied, Ben happily continued a lovely speech about considering what he wanted for his future and declared that Leslie was it. Before he could even finish saying, "Will you marry me?" Leslie accepted.

6. Derek and Meredith - Grey's Anatormy

Derek and meredith greys anatormy
When Derek decided to ask Meredith to marry him…he didn't actually ask. He decorated an elevator at Seattle Grace Hospital with medical scans and reminders from all their important moments. “You say you're all dark and twisty, but it's not a flaw. It's a strength. It makes you who you are. I'm not going to get down on one knee. I'm not going to ask a question. I love you, Meredith Grey, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Unfortunately more darkness followed as Derek was later killed, but the memory of the elevator proposal will always make us smile.
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Quotes of the Week: Oliver Begs, Harvey Professes and More!


It's that time of the week again!

Even with a relatively slow week on TV, our Fanatics still managed to find some great quotes. After all, Ra's al Ghul has something important to say to Oliver Queen on Arrow, Agent Carter went out with her head held high and Leonard was talking about love on The Big Bang Theory.

So flip around our slideshow and see what quotes made an impact on us this week!

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