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Cougar Town Review: Funk Breakers

Chick came back for a visit on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 5, as his recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis puts him in a funk.

And Jules' dad running everyone into the ground with his 5K coaching and then sending them into Ellie’s sick clutches like some emerging vampire coven was funny.

However, like most Cougar Town episodes that involve Chick, humor was not really the focus. His appearance is typically an opportunity for the show to sidestep its zany antics for a few moments and bring to focus the emotional core.

Jules worrying about Chick’s health and well-being - and for how long his memory will last - is a scary situation. Most everyone will agree that watching a parent forget who they are and the memories they have built together is a fate worse than death.

Jules finding Chick in their reconciliation spot in the park was a welcome relief, and so long as she can keep him engaged and active, she has a better shot of keeping his health in check while he lives out his later years.

Grayson working as the low testerone guy in a commercial playd up his vainness perfectly, but it also gave us some insight into Bobby in the process.

Bobby is mostly used for odd humor, but once in a while there’s a man there that wants to attain his dreams and better himself. His admission of wanting to get married again was something that he can achieve. He knows his chances aren’t great - he lives on a boat and he’s, well, Bobby - but his goal is still achievable.

What did you find most entertaining?


Cougar Town: Season 5 Episode 5 Online

On Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 5, Jules tries to get Chick out of his Alzheimer’s funk by getting him involved in some local activities. Particularly the activities that might save Andy’s mayoral prospects, but as Chick’s involvement progresses the group gets more unstable.
Ellie gets sick and begins to mix wine and flu medicine to hilarious effects, but who will she bring down with her?
Bobby convinces Grayson to live out his dreams of acting by auditioning for a commercial, but when Grayson books the part his role throws him off guard.
Travis and Laurie try to come up with pet names for each other they can agree on, but which names stick and which names are just ick?
Find out what name does stick when you watch Cougar Town online.

Cougar Town Review: Sac Sale

Big Tippi, we hardly knew you!

At least Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 6 quickly introduced Tippi’s replacement, though. Welcome to the Sac, Big Chuck!

Grayson commenting on doing the memorial services just about every year for the big wine glasses  was one of those slightly meta jokes that are sometimes snuck in, but some reassurance that it’s being noticed is never a bad thing. Outliving your wine glass is a terrible tragedy, after all.

However, the destruction of the ridiculously-sized items is getting a little old. Big Tippi had all of two episodes to her name. These things begin to lose their effect when their life spans get smaller and smaller.

The events leading up to Tippi’s demise - with Jules jumping on the karma bandwagon thanks to Laurie - was a good one. Jules is always following some new thing always comes back to her safety net of the cul-de-sac.

It’s a tried and true Cougar Town formula by now. Laurie’s belief that she has great karma was at least a little surprising.

With the amount of crazy things Laurie has done (to people), the birds should’ve taken a turn to the right and pegged Laurie. Perhaps Jules just got in the way of their trajectory, but there’s no way Laurie could’ve come away from it completely clean.

The car crashing through the front of Krazy Kakes and the real estate office was the best kind of karmic comeback: Laurie may think it’s just for Jules, but she owns that storefront too.

Laurie and Travis’ relationship continued to be on the backburner. The only new insight we got this installment was Laurie agreeing to put the green screen in her apartment. With Travis trying to help Bobby get over his rollercoaster fear (only to reignite his own), Travis and Laurie were very much separated along hang out lines.

Andy making a bet with Ellie that she can’t go a day without snark? Well, we all knew Ellie was never going to win that one, but we were all winners in the end.

Andy’s sneaky side was shown off again as he knowingly found more ridiculous outfits and yard sale items to parade around Ellie - and watching Ellie hip check some innocent bystander in line is never a bad thing.

How long will Big Chuck last?


Cougar Town: Season 5 Episode 6 Online

On Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 6, Laurie tries to help Jules out of her bad karma funk after a devastating loss. But, as things go from bad to worse, it’s up to Grayson to fix the funk.

Elsewhere, Travis and Bobby attempt to put Grandpappy Kobb to rest with only a rollercoaster standing in their way.

Also, Andy makes a bet with Ellie that she can’t go an entire day without snarking at people and low-lifes. If Ellie loses, she has to wear a sumo suit.

Grab your nearest vase and wine bottle, it’s time to watch Cougar Town online!

Cougar Town Review: Diversity

Stories that have been brewing for some time came to the forefront on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 7 as Laurie plants one on Ellie, and Jules Bobby attempt to divert Travis some his deadbeat path.

Focusing on the latter, Jules and Bobby's tries at getting Travis on the straight and narrow by throwing Bobby under the bus isn't the first time he's been used (nor will it be the last). This moment between the Cobb family is incredibly familiar, but the reaction from Travis, and to a lesser extent Bobby, is new. Had this been sometime in around Cougar Town Season 2, Travis could very well have gone off the deep end again.

Even in a show like Cougar Town, Travis has been able to mind the gap to adulthood. He decides to go back to Coffee Bucks after blowing his first interview and lands the job. While Travis is now officially out of the deadbeat category, and nearly graduating from college, there's still the problem of integrating him fully within the crew. Perhaps the writing team wants to get him through college before the full integration happens, but in the meantime his relationship with Laurie is stagnating on screen.

Aside from Travis and Laurie exploring their relationship with Jules, there's been almost no developments and interactions have been kept to a minimum. Which is unfortunate since the two are super fun together, and they could be driving a lot of story.

Laurie's other relationship develops when she plants a big kiss right on Ellie. I know, I know, I've been waiting for Jules and Ellie to get in Ellie's truck and ride off into the sunset too, so Laurie kissing Ellie seems like adultery. For all of Laurie's crazy stories we know there's a heart of gold under there, and she's willing to fake a relationship with ice queen Ellie if it means Stan can get into a good preschool; even in fake relationships, Laurie is willing to go all out with Ellie, but sadly for Laurie Ellie can't reciprocate her feelings so she storms out with her sandwich leaving Ellie to pick up the pieces of her broken heart.

As awesome as Laurie and Ellie are together, how they eventually make up felt forced. Only in an alternate universe would the two of them actually be that nice to each other. Their way of making up is usually laced with plenty of burns and jabs at one another, not real affection.

Who would make the best gay couple on Cougar Town?


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 7 Online

On Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 7, Jules wonders if Travis is going to become a deadbeat once he graduates college with an art degree, so she does some conspiring with Bobby to turn the tides in Travis' favor.

Will Jules' plan backfire?

Also, Ellie is meeting with the recruiter for an elite preschool for Stan and must enlist Laurie's help to babysit him when her nanny calls in sick. Laurie overhears as the interview gets progressively worse and steps in for Ellie to up Stan's diversity by kissing her.

Will Ellie play along with Laurie's Lesbian charade?

While Ellie tries to get Stan into the preschool, Andy is banished from the house and looks to Grayson for entertainment.

Get your wine opener ready, it's time to watch Cougar Town online right here at TV Fanatic!

Cougar Town Review: The Brunch Club

Like any good brunch, an extreme amount of time was necessary to choreograph every detail of it, as Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 8 pointed out.

I think everyone but Jules could see that Travis and Laurie had planned the entire thing out from start to finish. Everything was just a little too perfect for Cougar Town.

The smiles were just a little too fake, the sheer amount of moves and one-liners were another tell too, but Jules grew so focused on one-upping her own son's relationship with Laurie that she eventually set her hair on fire and wanted to make the best seafood tower she can for dinner later that night.

It's a testament of how strong Jules and Grayson's relationship actually is that they're willing to dive head first into the crazy together. Grayson is willing to make all of his usual jokes, but he's still ready to join Jules on her obsessive crazy train.

It's no surprise that Laurie and Travis want to emulate that, albeit maybe with a little less crazy, in their own burgeoning relationship.

It's good to see Cougar Town Season 5 begin to focus again on Laurie and Travis after largely languishing in the background. The crazy brunch was a sign of the show treating them as any other couple and a good first step in starting to legitimize the relationship to the rest of the cul-de-sac crew.

Jules is the ringleader; when Jules is on board, so is everyone else.

The rest of the side plots were largely irrelevant in this installment. Laurie's young adult novel under a pseudonym was the stronger of the two, largely thanks to Ellie being a stronger version of herself and she works Tom over for "supplies" to finish her novel.

Tom's creepiness was used to good effect, however, as watching him fawn over a young adult novel that's far past his age range.

Andy trying to be fun Daddy was relatively inconsequential, unfortunately.

What's your favorite part of brunch?


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 8 Online

It was time for brunch on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 8, as Laurie and Travis decided the best way to be taken seriously was to host this meal.

When the brunch turned out beautifully, Jules' competitive side totally took over.

Ellie's young adult novel was also found by Tom and it completely changed the way he looks at interstellar romance.

Elsewhere: with only a beach towel to survive, Andy and Bobby still attempted to have a fun Daddy day with Stan, but did it work?

Get out Big Chuck, it's time to watch Cougar Town online right now! 

Cougar Town Review: By The Bottle

The Guzzle Buddy featured on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 9 finally solved the biggest roadblock of drinking wine:

The refills.

It marked chance to finally bring Jules and Andy together for a story involving things they both like to do: drinking and getting overly excited about ideas. It was also an opportunity to see Andy do his boring job.

This may have been the first time Andy was actually doing his job because I can't recall seeing Andy in his office except for when he took a nap. 

The biggest hurdle in selling the Guzzle Buddy was that most people do not want to drink as much as Jules and Andy do. The idea of downing an entire bottle in one sitting isn't comprehensible to the one man they were trying to sell it to. Even if Jules thinks he's the weird one for not seeing the joy in drinking an entire bottle. 

The whole business going up in flames pretty quickly did bring about a nice moment between Jules and Ellie, though. It's not often Ellie's nicer side comes out to play, but she does so for Jules.

Ellie sees the appeal of the Buddy, but she also sees how hard Jules has worked to get to her spot in life. Ellie doesn't want to crush Jules' heart, yet she does want to offer some perspective for the advice she's giving. 

The other big moment came from Grayson and Travis of all people. The plot originally played to both of their strengths - Grayson trying to be cool and mostly failing miserably, and Travis playing to his hipster roots - but ended up veering towards a rather heartfelt moment: a father/son relationship. 

Grayson and Travis have never really gone into this territory before and the show has done a very good job of keeping the roles between Grayson and Bobby in regards to Travis well-defined.

Travis isn't a dummy, but it's still a big, risky step to take with the potential to backfire when he told Grayson that many of the things he's doing feels like something a Dad would do. To his credit, Grayson played it as a defining moment in their relationship and wasn't afraid to play it up in front of Travis' hipster friends.

Would you buy the Guzzle Buddy?


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 9 Online

With the Guzzle Buddy, all of your wine drinking dilemmas - such as pouring and wine wrist - are magically solved! That's what we learned on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 9.

Jules and Andy might like their wine invention, but will the rest of the town like it enough to buy one? Does the rest of the town even consume as much alcohol?

Elsewhere, Bobby and Laurie did their best to damage his new leather bag.

Grayson tried to impress Travis' Coffee Bucks friends, but ended up looking lame and dorky in their eyes. Will Grayson ever recover?

Pop your Guzzle Buddy in your wine bottle and get chugging because it's time to watch Cougar Town online right here at TV Fanatic!

Cougar Town Sneak Peek: On the Case!

Bobby's boat will go missing on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 10.

But have no fear, Jules and Bobby are on the case!

On the March 18 installment,"Refugee," these two will step into their old crime fighting personas, “Blacktop” and “Gumshoe”, in order to solve this pressing mystery.

See them do so in this exclusive clip provided to TV Fanatic by TBS:

Elsewhere on the episode, Grayson will help Andy win over his new supervisor by teaching him "the neg," while Laurie and Travis will try to decorate her apartment together.

Good luck with that, guys!

Watch Cougar Town online now and return to TV Fanatic tomorrow evening for a full review.

Cougar Town Review: Too Much of a Good Thing

Sorry, Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 10, this episode just didn't leap off page like they usually do.

At the end of the day, I'm just not a big fan of Tom. Small doses of him are good, but when Tom is given an entire episode to interact with the gang, the mojo of everything else is thrown off.

Tom is creepy, and always will be, so his stories end up bringing his creepiness so far that it becomes boring rather than funny. 

Cougar Town tries to sidestep this trait of Tom's by mentioning that Hayley is just looking to make sure Tom is doing alright, so Tom does all of the lies just so he can show her that things are going well and she doesn't need to drop her life to come help him salvage his.

It's a nice, sweet moment for Tom, but it just won't work once Tom is back to putting his shown on because he's still going to be creepy Tom the Neighbor. 

Jules and Grayson do their best to carry on the ruse; both of them diving head first into their "roles" did make for some excellent moments. Particularly, when Grayson was so upset that he didn't know his character was gay. For complexity's sake, he should have known Tom!  

The stronger story involved Ellie stirring the pot for the entire gang. Ellie's complete elation at all the train wrecks happening around her were typical Ellie, but when she gets so giddy that she's like a kid in a candy store - flailing her legs around watching Andy bomb at open mic night - it's just pure gold.

She's in her elements completely. 

Is Tom really creepy?


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 10 Online

Cougar Town Review: Unforeseen Twist

What was turning out to be a fun romp in usual antics turned into a serious case of feelings on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 11.

Chick's Alzheimer's continues to be a running thread in the background of Cougar Town Season 5. His borrowing of Bobby's boat as a way to get Bobby and Jules to have some fun in their marriage spun what would be a fun and typical prank from Chick on its end.

His Alzheimer's is progressing and, no matter how good he can present himself around his family and friends, he's still entering into that stage of needing someone to look after him.

It's a moment of reality in an otherwise fun day of playing games, of watching an ex-husband and ex-wife be good friends and reminisce about their pasts.

Even Bobby - looking mighty dapper in Grayson's scissored up suit - usually the comedic anchor, was sad and surprised about Chick's prank being rooted in saving their marriage. 

The only question is how Cougar Town will decide to face Chick's Alzheimer's now. It's going to be emotionally draining and unsatisfying to the story if he continually pops in to remind the audience that the disease is, in fact, progressing. 

Grayson teaching Andy how to use the "neg" was probably one of the funnier stories the two have been paired up for.

Dipping into Grayson's douchebag past and watching him pass his expertise to Andy brought Andy-like glee and wonderment. Naturally, Andy trieed to go one step too far and used it on Ellie.

Being fluent in both sarcasm and negativity, she quickly saw what was being done on her and tried to regain her place the relationship as a power struggle ensued... there's really nothing more amazing on Cougar Town than Ellie being, well, Ellie. 

Laurie and Travis finally did something couple-related by decorating her condo. The giant Target ad was obvious, but after having more Subway than I could ever want or eat for Chuck, watching one huge Target infomercial was about the least intrusive thing one could ask for, if it means Cougar Town sticks around on TBS. 

Did Chick's confession surprise you? 


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 11 Online

Jules and Bobby are on the case to figure out who stole Bobby's boat!

Kidnapping and clues are abound on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 11 as Blacktop and Gumshoe get closer when something surprises both of them.

Elsewhere, Travis and Laurie went to Target to find redecorate their apartment, but tension soon arose as their tastes clashed.

Grayson tried to teach Andy his signature "neg" move, as things quickly spiraled out of hand.

Fill your bag with some yogurt, wine and peanut butter for the road. It's time to watch Cougar Town online right here at TV Fanatic!

Cougar Town Review: Family Matters

It's been almost four years to the day since Travis graduated high school. 

On Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 12, Travis' big day graduating from art school finally arrived just as Chick moved in to Jules and Grayson's home. 

When Jules mentions she wants Chick to be closer, preferably in the neighborhood, I thought Grayson's house would be repurposed for him. Sure, the home was nearly destroyed during the hurricane, but Chick likes a fixer upper. 

Thankfully, my ideas weren't actually used, as Jules took Grayson's idea of talking about having Chick move in with them and ran with it. As Chick made his presence more known, Grayson grew more agitated at Chick serving as his roommate.

Chick's versatility in the plot points of Cougar Town Season 5 provide opportunities for comedy - as Chick is likely to rib better than his cohorts and make fun of himself - while also lending the series some dramatic weight. This weight comes in the form of his talks with both Jules and Grayson individually. 

Particularly, the talk with Grayson at the graduation is noteworthy. It focuses on passing the torch. Chick knows he's turned into his father-in-law that he had to put up with some many years ago in his interactions with Grayson.

It's not the best situation, but they both are willing to make some sacrifices in order to help their family out. 

Ellie, meanwhile, was devastated this week, thinking she's been demoted to the second best friend of Jules because Laurie "slutted" her way in" thanks to banging Travis. There are a few things Ellie truly cares about, but Ellie being Jules' best friend ranks at the top of list - before Andy and Stan. 

With no red balloon at this graduation, Bobby and Andy worked together to find Travis the best present they could, one that would top the rest of Bobby's gifts.

It was a wild gag, finding two wrestlers to mercilessly beat the living snot out of each other, but it somehow works for Cougar Town because Bobby was the one who believes in it so much. 

What would you use to sneak wine into a graduation? 


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 12 Online

It's the week of Travis' graduation and everyone on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 12 is getting in on the action to help. Everyone but Ellie is doing something, and Ellie fears Laurie might have replaced her as Jules' best friend.

Jules and Chick agree to find him a house that's closer by, but Grayson is surprised to find out just how close the house ends up being.

Bobby and Andy look for the perfect gift for Travis' graduation, and come back with more than they bargained for.

Hollow our your favorite crutches for wine and priority seating. It's time to watch Cougar Town online right here at TV Fanatic!

Cougar Town Review: Farewell For Now

As Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 13 comes to a close, we find ourselves in familiar territory. 

Will the cul-de-sac crew come back for another season of pounding some grape? 

There are echoes of a season finale here, but there are echoes of a series finale too. If TBS does end up putting a cork in Cougar Town, there is enough to be satisfied at the ending.

As much as Cougar Town pumps out consistently good comedy week after week, it's the bonds between the characters - and watching these characters swim through life - that is most enjoyable.

Jules asking Laurie for a urine sample after her get healthy binge flames out from Ellie's happy pills fiasco is wonderful, yet the big news is Laurie is pregnant.

Laurie's pregnancy brings a new spin to the entire show. Not only does it cement Travis and Laurie's relationship - a relationship that's been mostly stagnating for the entire season until now - it also places a new spin on how the characters see themselves. 

Grayson and Bobby suddenly find themselves in a situation where, aside from their break off with the local break dancers, their age is starting to catch up with them.

They may feel young at heart and feel like they are still with youth culture, but family trees have a way of catching up with all of us. They will soon be grandpas and their roles will soon change too. 

Chick is the only one who is "genetically engineered" to help guide everyone to this next stage. He helps Travis envision his life with Laurie and he helps Jules begin to see that Travis will be just fine. He gives Mama Bear Jules the emotional confidence necessary to be at peace with this new development - and once Jules sanctions anything, the rest of crew follows through. 

Chick is best in this role of supporting his family. The emotional weight he brings to the show is unmatched by any other member on the cast.

The pregnancy is a good stopping and starting point to the series. We can be rest assured that the crew will find themselves navigating their new roles with a baby on board but still very much happy and drinking heavily (minus Laurie).

And, if the show does go on, the baby on board gives the show a shot in the arm for stories to tell and putting new twists on the characters. The baby gives Travis so much more maturity, equalizing him more so with the rest of the adults in the show.

Callbacks and Connections:

  • Jules and Ellie's Lesbian relationship is highlight again when Jules ponders if she and Ellie should just head west. Ellie has her Thelma and Louise bag ready to go and mentions they can kiss across state lines. Just once I would love to see this happen. Jules or Ellie can even dream the entire thing!
  • Pounding some grape and Jules answering questions about her drinking habits.
  • Laurie literally experiencing one of her stories - this time getting hit in the face by a two by four.

Are you satisfied if this is truly the end of Cougar Town?


Cougar Town: Watch Season 5 Episode 13 Online

It's time for Jules to get healthy on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 13... two hours before her physical!

With the appointment looming and a hangover of happy pills from Ellie, Jules wonders how she's ever going to have low-priced life insurance premiums. Thankfully, Laurie is willing to save Jules with a sample of her own to sneak in.

When Jules receives a call from the doctor, however, the entire cul-de-sac crew is suddenly dealing with an unexpected development that will change all of their lives.

Meanwhile, Laurie and Travis help Andy at his job; and Grayson and Bobby break dance.

Leave your Thelma and Louise bag in the car, it's time to watch Cougar Town online right now!

Cougar Town: Renewed for Final Season!

TBS got in on the slew of renewal news yesterday, announcing that Cougar Town will return for Season 6.

And also confirming this will be the final season for the Courteney Cox-anchored sitcom

The concluding run of the former ABC series - which made the jump to cable in 2009 - will include 13 episodes and premiere in 2015.

It will take the show past 100 total episodes, as well, a number many fans never believed would have been possible a few years ago and which will mean a lot of money down the line in syndication.

Giant glasses of wine for all!

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