Nothing is better than having a good friendship vault to store your secrets in, as Cougar Town demonstrated in "You Tell Me."
Especially when your secrets involve smashing, insecurities, and some Alanis Morissette videos.
After Travis spent a good amount of the series pining after Laurie, the tables are now reversed. Yet, for all the pining Laurie is doing, there’s not much to Travis in regards to women right now. Yes, he now knows how to be a nerdy playa thanks to Bobby and Grayson, but, in comparison to prior seasons where we see Laurie actually dating, Travis is mostly be a playa off screen.
Cougar Town is now on TBS, so it’s highly likely that the show is pulling in the budget where they can – and opening themselves up to some incredibly deliberate product placement – to keep the show looking and feeling the same could be an explanation for keeping Travis’ dating life mostly off screen while Laurie processes her feelings.
A different, but perhaps more plausible, explanation is simply that Cougar Town lives on the perennial bubble. Its ratings are much stronger as a cable series than a broadcast show, but with only a certain allotment of episodes - and producing them before the season even airs - the season-long plot elements need to be contained and focused in case disaster strikes.
This continual state of disaster is one of the reasons why Travis and Laurie will probably be sharing their feelings for one another before the end of the season. It’s one of the plot elements the writers have continually debated, and it’s probably the one they would most like to tell if in case the series has to exit early.
Meanwhile, Jules’ insecurities and neediness to keep all secrets out in the open was touched upon again. And I always enjoy when Cougar Town Season 4 references Jules’ quirks.
Jules’ neuroses are usually out there, but they’re always rooted in reality. Jules doesn’t want to keep secrets from loved ones and she doesn’t want secrets kept from her because of all the harm they caused her in the past. Courtney Cox is known for her comedic roles, but she does incredibly well playing moments that require drama and vulnerability.
The beginnings of Jules’ adult life weren’t the easiest and it’s enjoyable to watch her learn and grow from a real and healthy relationship with Grayson.
Other Thoughts:
- While Seinfeld was also “Must See TV” the only “Must See TV’ for me will be Friends.
- I, and Andy, assumed his Mayoral run was just a funny bit.
- It’s slightly off putting how all Targets are set up the same.
- Cougar Town certainly dug up the past with references and Alanis Morissette videos.