The Guzzle Buddy featured on Cougar Town Season 5 Episode 9 finally solved the biggest roadblock of drinking wine:
The refills.
It marked chance to finally bring Jules and Andy together for a story involving things they both like to do: drinking and getting overly excited about ideas. It was also an opportunity to see Andy do his boring job.
This may have been the first time Andy was actually doing his job because I can't recall seeing Andy in his office except for when he took a nap.
The biggest hurdle in selling the Guzzle Buddy was that most people do not want to drink as much as Jules and Andy do. The idea of downing an entire bottle in one sitting isn't comprehensible to the one man they were trying to sell it to. Even if Jules thinks he's the weird one for not seeing the joy in drinking an entire bottle.
The whole business going up in flames pretty quickly did bring about a nice moment between Jules and Ellie, though. It's not often Ellie's nicer side comes out to play, but she does so for Jules.
Ellie sees the appeal of the Buddy, but she also sees how hard Jules has worked to get to her spot in life. Ellie doesn't want to crush Jules' heart, yet she does want to offer some perspective for the advice she's giving.
The other big moment came from Grayson and Travis of all people. The plot originally played to both of their strengths - Grayson trying to be cool and mostly failing miserably, and Travis playing to his hipster roots - but ended up veering towards a rather heartfelt moment: a father/son relationship.
Grayson and Travis have never really gone into this territory before and the show has done a very good job of keeping the roles between Grayson and Bobby in regards to Travis well-defined.
Travis isn't a dummy, but it's still a big, risky step to take with the potential to backfire when he told Grayson that many of the things he's doing feels like something a Dad would do. To his credit, Grayson played it as a defining moment in their relationship and wasn't afraid to play it up in front of Travis' hipster friends.
Would you buy the Guzzle Buddy?